Not many can say that they have impacted the lives of millions. For Dr Cui Fuqiang, it comes with the territory, working in the field of infectious diseases.


cui fuqiang
Photo: Swiss Re Institute website
"Never forget what you are going to do, what you need most. Catch up on every opportunity to study; to attend courses, seminars, talks, and meetings."
Dr Cui Fuqiang

Dr Cui Fuqiang

MPM 2015

Professor, School of Public Health, Peking University

Higher Education

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection is a leading cause of illness and death in China,” he explains. “It is estimated that China still has more than 86 million people living with chronic HBV infection today, and new infections still occur every year.” Although incurable, chronic HBV infections are preventable by means of vaccination. This, he notes, is the key strategy to controlling HBV in China. “With timely HBV vaccination, 95% of new infections will be prevented,” he envisions.

It started in 1998, with Fuqiang establishing an HBV prevention project, where he spearheaded numerous research endeavours and spoke out as a major advocator for HBV vaccination. For his tireless efforts, he was recognised as a Hepatitis Hero by the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Region Office in 2016.

Among his many accomplishments, one stands out—being appointed Director of the Vaccine Research Center, School of Public Health, Peking University. Having joined after he completed the Master in Public Management at LKYSPP, he draws on the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that his professors inculcated. “What LKYSPP helped me most with is how to make a better decision, whether for myself, my family, or my community.”

"Never forget what you are going to do, what you need most. Catch up on every opportunity to study; to attend courses, seminars, talks, and meetings."

In a career that spans over 20 years, Fuqiang has authored over 250 scientific articles. Today, he also serves on the Expert Resource Panel of Hepatitis B in the WHO Western Pacific Region, and is a member of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) Decade of Vaccines Working Group. He is also a key person leading the research team on the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th Five Year Plan of the National Key Research Project of Science and Technology on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Hepatitis in China.

His hope for the future? “To serve better as a WHO consultant and contribute even more to global health governance.”

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