a current student |
(For Master in Public Policy)
(For Master in Public Administration)
(For Master in International Affairs) pu_mia@nus.edu.sg
(For PhD in Public Policy)
Student Support Managers Ms Norlela Binte Mohamed DID: +656516 5638 sppnomo@nus.edu.sg
Ms Sherry Foo Xue Li DID: +65 6601 5776 sppsfx@nus.edu.sg SEXUAL MISCONDUCT If you or someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct of any kind, you can reach out to the NUS Care Unit for support. NCU is here to lend a helping hand: +65 6601 4000 (24-hour helpline)
ncu_help@nus.edu.sg https://care.nus.edu.sg/
(For Master in Public Administration and Management - 高级公共行政与管理硕士学位)