Alumni Awards 2018

Back in March 2018, the alumni relations team sought your nominations for the LKYSPP Outstanding Alumni Award and LKYSPP Service Alumni Award to honour and recognise alumni members who through their work had made a positive contribution to fulfilling the mission of the School to inspire leaders and improve lives. After scouring through nomination entries and carefully ensuring that the award criteria are met, we proudly present our awardees and honourable mentions!

LKYSPP Outstanding Award

At LKYSPP, our students strive to embody the school’s mission: to transform lives and create a better, sustainable world. They do this on the forefront of world change as some of the most capable, accomplished and outstanding men and women. The LKYSPP Outstanding Alumni Award celebrates them and their work as the changers and movers of our generation.

LKYSPP Service Award

It is not just students who nurture camaraderie that LKYSPP’s diversity brings. Many alumni contribute by participating in events, mentoring, and much more. Even after they have left, these alumni continue to celebrate their time at LKYSPP through alumni clubs, events, and even offering internships to fellow alumni. The LKYSPP Alumni Service Award congratulates and thanks them on carrying the spirit of LKSYPP.