Author: LKYSPP Admin

Alexandre Tilman

Alexandre Tilman

MPP 2011

Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Singapore (2023)

Kwok Fook Seng

Kwok Fook Seng

MPM 2004

Ambassador of Singapore to Indonesia (2022)

We sat down with Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Alumni; Ambassador Alexandre Tilman, Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Singapore (2023), MPP 2011, as well as Ambassador Kwok Fook Seng, Ambassador of Singapore to Indonesia (2022), MPP 2004, to hear what they had to say about their experiences at the school and how it shaped their diplomatic careers.

They each reflect on the importance of public policy education, the key moments in their career thus far, as well as challenges and opportunities in their respective roles, and share their hopes for the future of LKYSPP.

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