The Covid-19 situation has changed the way the world operates and functions. Governments face unprecedented challenges to both public and private sectors, putting a new normal in people’s lives.

Below are the consolidated works of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy relating to COVID-19 for the convenience and reference of whomever needs it. Here you will find resources produced by our faculty members, such as research and publications, and resources featuring our faculty members, such as Global-is-Asian articles and podcasts and interviews.

Panel Discussions

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covid panel 1

Committee for Sydney LIVE - Assoc Prof James Crabtree 

panel 2

The Straits Times-The Business Times Budget 2020 Roundtable - Dr Faizal Yahya

panel 3

The Straits Times The Big Story: COVID-19: The next 3 months - Prof Tikki Pangestu

Global-is-Asian content - podcasts and articles

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GIA The Future of Asian Trade and Globalisation

The Future of Asian Trade and Globalisation after COVID-19 - Assoc Prof James Crabtree and Visiting Prof Razeen Sally

covid trends banner

5 Emerging Trends from the Covid-19 Pandemic - Burra Naga Trinadh (MPP 2019)

kerala covid article

To Kerala, from Singapore (republished from The Hindu) - Prof Vinod Thomas

contact tracing GIA

Beware of over-hyping contact tracing apps in coronavirus fight (republished from Nikkei Asian Review) - Assoc Prof James Crabtree

Corona global leadership

How coronavirus exposed the collapse of global leadership (republished from Nikkei Asian Review) - Assoc Prof James Crabtree

covid19 asia

Asian responses to COVID-19: Looking East for answers (republished from Policy Forum) - Assoc Prof Alfred Wu & Christy Tsang (MPP student)

GIA covid 2

How will COVID19 reshape the geopolitical landscape? - Drew Thompson & Assoc Prof James Crabtree

GIA covid 4

Coronavirus crisis will send globalization into reverse (republished from Nikkei Asian Review) - Assoc Prof James Crabtree

GIA covid 3

Teaching technology stands to be rare winner from coronavirus (republished from Nikkei Asian Review) - Assoc Prof James Crabtree

GIA china economy

Coronavirus overreaction risks disrupting business far beyond China  (republished from Nikkei Asian Review) - Assoc Prof James Crabtree

Op-Eds & Interviews

Date Title/ URL Faculty

12 Jan 2022

Lianhe Zaobao  “清零”抗疫:带着枷锁的负重前行

Asst Prof Lu Xi

8 December 2021

AsiaGlobal Online  COVID-19, US-CHINA competition – and a multipolar future?

Asst Prof Selina Ho

7 December 2021

MalyasiaKini  M'sia should explore railway VTL to S'pore

Paul Lim Pau Hua (MPP 2023)

4 November 2021

Daily FT  Addressing the insidious mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic at the workplace

Thilanka SIlva (MPA 2009)

29 October 2021

联合早报  中国疫情防控的成本收益考量

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

5 September 2021

IBT  Vaccination Olympics: India is Winning Where 'Developed' Nations Still Lagging [Here's How]”

Burra Naga Trinadh (MPP alumnus)

18 August 2021

联合早报  陆曦:中国的官僚体制与病毒“清零论”

Asst Prof Lu Xi

19 June 2021

Outlook India  Rising Bar for Resilience to Calamities: How New Zealand, Singapore, S Korea And Kerala Stand Out

Prof Vinod Thomas & Chitranjali Tiwari (MPP 20)

18 May 2021

The Times of India  Kerala’s resilience comes from community participation in policies … besides high investments in health and education

Prof Vinod Thomas & Chitranjali Tiwari (MPP 20)

21 April 2021

Think Global Health  During This Pandemic, It Is Us that Our Children Need Protection From

Prof Alfred Wu & Gewndolyn Thong (MPP 21)

8 April 2021

The Business Times  Digitalisation of banks in Asean holds allure, but...

Prof Ramkishen Rajan

4 April 2021

Channel News Asia Airlines have little choice but to not be airlines for a few years

Faizal Yahya

25 February 2021

The Straits Times  Inequality: A tale of three countries

Prof Danny Quah

24 February 2021

Nikkei Asia Review Asia's growth engines set to misfire as post-COVID bounce wears off

James Crabtree

30 October 2020

East Asia Forum Indian civil society sidelined in a pandemic

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu & Niharika Rustagi (PhD student)

24 September 2020

Unravel Decoding Singapore’s food security

Cecilia Tortajada

20 September 2020

South China Morning Post Covid-19 shows up Asia’s vulnerability to a strong dollar in a crisis

Prof Ramkishen Rajan

17 September 2020

Business Times: Does Covid-19 mark the death of financial globalisation?

Prof Ramkishen Rajan

19 August 2020

Business Times: The impact of Covid-19 on the financial system

Prof Ramkishen Rajan

14 August 2020

The Hindu Business Line: Covid-19 freed us from the tyranny of workwear

Assoc Prof Kenneth Paul Tan

8 August 2020

The Daily StarA Covid-19 bridge over troubled water?

Cecilia Tortajada

29 July 2020

The ConversationHow COVID-19 worsens hunger in India, the world’s largest food basket

Cecilia Tortajada

27 July 2020

The Straits Times: Has Covid-19 accelerated smart city initiatives in Indonesia?

Deepakshi Rawat (MPP student)

16 July 2020

The Asian AgeTrade, deglobalization and the new mercantilism

Assoc Prof Razeen Sally

16 July 2020

The Business Times: Contact tracing: China's healthcode offers some lessons

Prof Alfred Wu & Lin Zhu (PhD student)

11 July 2020 

East Asia Forum: Trade, deglobalisation and the new mercantilism

Prof Razeen Sally

7 July 2020 

The Hindu: Before the next health crisis

Prof Vinod Thomas

23 June 2020 

Policy Forum: Why social capital is essential in the fight against COVID-19

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu & Stuti Rawat (PhD alumni)

21 June 2020 

Policy Forum: In Beijing it looked like coronavirus was gone. Now we're living with a second wave

Krish Raghav (Alumni - MPP 2013)

17 June 2020 

Nikkei Asian Review: South Asia risks coronavirus lost decade

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

11 June 2020 

South China Morning Post: Asia’s anti-poverty gains are under threat as the coronavirus and deglobalisation deliver a double whammy

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

4 June 2020 

Tribune Content Agency: ASEAN Must Make the Best of Its New Centrality in China’s Diplomacy

Prof Marina Kaneti

3 June 2020 

The Straits Times: A new way for Asia to lead in global Covid-19 recovery

Prof Danny Quah

2 June 2020

East Asia forum: Can developing countries handle the headwinds of COVID-19?

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu, Fatimah Abolanle Odusote, Kiat Wah Ng, Lida No

31 May 2020 

Kuwait Times: Can we finally learn?

Prof Tikki Pang

28 May 2020

Thehill: Time to spark a COVID-19-like climate response

Prof Vinod Thomas

27 May 2020

The Straits Times: Covid-19 poses challenges in healthcare financing

Assoc Prof Phua Kai Hong 

27 May 2020

LSE Blog: Making online higher education work: Opportunities, challenges and policy imperatives under COVID-19

Yifei Yan (PhD alumni)

20 May 2020

Nikkei Asian Review: US-China decoupling is much harder than Donald Trump thinks

Assoc Prof James Crabtree 

16 May 2020

Forbes: Trump’s Attack On China Could Ruin His Re-Election Bid

Yuwa Hedrick-Wong

14 May 2020

Firstpost: Yeoman service of Odisha's community radio stations during coronavirus crisis underscores medium's necessity in India

Amar Patnaik (MPM alumni)

13 May 2020

联合早报: 中国模式是否更优


12 May 2020

联合早报: 全球供应链冲击下中国的挑战与出路


12 May 2020

Newsweek: The key geopolitical risks post-coronavirus china | opinion

9 May 2020

The Hindu Business Line: When a pandemic entered working-class dorms

Assoc Prof Kenneth Paul Tan

6 May 2020

New States Man: How Singapore’s second wave is exposing economic inequalities

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

29 Apr 2020

The Business Times: Greater inclusion will boost resilience to disasters

Prof Vinod Thomas

29 Apr 2020

The COVID-19 and India’s fiscal conundrum

Prof Ramkishen Rajan

23 Apr 2020

The Straits Times: Could it be time to swop fast car for slower, sturdier one?

Prof Danny Quah

22 Apr 2020

联合早报: 全球化还是全球治理的失败?

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

21 Apr 2020

Think China: Humanity is facing a crisis of global governance, not globalisation

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

20 Apr 2020

Times of India: Seven things India can do for Covid management, including injecting more liquidity into the system

Prof Kanti Bajpai

15 Apr 2020

Global Policy Journal: Doing Whatever it Takes: Understanding the COVID-19 Stimulus Calculus

Prof Ramkishen S. Rajan

14 Apr 2020

China-India Brief: Pandemic and Geopolitics: China and India’s response to COVID-19

Byron Chong

14 Apr 2020

Policy Forum: Asian responses to COVID-19: Looking East for answers

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu & Christy Tsang (MPP student)

10 Apr 2020

Forbes Asia: How to stop the global economy from plunging into a depression

Yuwa-Hedrick Wong

9 Apr 2020

World Economic Forum: Three lessons in crisis governance for the age of coronavirus

Assoc Prof Zeger van der Wal & Ola G. El-Taliawi (PhD alumnus)

7 Apr 2020

Why Experts Disagree on How to Manage COVID-19: Four Problem Conceptions, Not One

Prof Ben Cashore

2 Apr 2020

Business Times: Singapore has substantial kitty to tide it through virus crisis

Christopher Gee

2 Apr 2020

Berita Harian: Sejauh mana masyarakat Melayu/Islam peka terhadap wabak COVID-19

Dr Mohamad Shamsuri Juhari

1 Apr 2020

Today: Here’s how two key Singapore industries (and workers) can transform in times of crisis

Dr Faizal Yahya
Shazly Zain

31 Mar 2020

China-India Brief: Contradictory and Reconciliatory Actions of China and India during the Pandemic

Xu Shengwei

31 Mar 2020

Today: How do we use messaging platforms such as WhatsApp appropriately in a crisis?

Dr Natalie Pang

30 Mar 2020

Hindu Business Line: Covid-19: Another blow to India’s economy

Prof Ramkishen Rajan

27 Mar 2020

Financial Times: Checkmate for Earth’s last big sporting contest

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

27 Mar 2020

The Business Times: Beware the false security of wearing plastic gloves

Dr Cecilia Tortajada
Prof Asit K Biswas

27 Mar 2020

IPS: Singapore staying strong through Covid-19

Tasha Tan

24 Mar 2020

The Hill: Limiting our carbon footprint in a post Covid-19 world – we shouldn’t go back to business as usual

Prof Vinod Thomas

21 Mar 2020

Times of India: Danger and opportunity: Covid-19 is a dire threat, but it can also be a trigger for cleaning up India’s public health system

Prof Kanti Bajpai

19 Mar 2020

Financial Times: How to save the human race from extinction

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

17 Mar 2020

Today: Fighting an information avalanche during Covid-19 outbreak

Dr Carol Soon

12 Mar 2020

ThinkChina: Power of the people invaluable in China’s fight against Covid-19

Prof Chen Kang

10 Mar 2020

Forbes: A China-Centric Global Recession?

Yuwa Hedrick-Wong

7 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: Budget 2020: Enhancing SMEs’ survivability in times of crisis

Dr Faizal Yahya
Shazly Zain

4 Mar 2020

China Daily: Prevention is always better than cure

Dr Cecilia Tortajada
Prof Asit K Biswas

21 Feb 2020

The Hindu: Gearing up to fight the next big viral outbreak

Prof Vinod Thomas

19 Feb 2020

Channel NewsAsia: Tech is not all bad. Our COVID-19 experience shows this

Dr Carol Soon

12 Feb 2020

China- India Brief: Indian industries should brace for coronavirus shock

Byron Chong

8 Feb 2020

Channel NewsAsia: Protecting public health is key in novel coronavirus fight but we must also tackle xenophobia

Dr Mathew Mathews
Shane Nicholas Pereira

Date Title/URL Faculty

18 April 2022

ANI  China reports 2,723 new local COVID-19 cases

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

16 April 2022

联合早报  上海租赁公寓被征用引发警民冲突 凸显隔离设施跟不上病例激增困境

Asst Prof Lu Xi

16 April 2022

Yahoo News  疫情、封城摧 残外企考虑撤离中国

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

16 April 2022

大纪元  清零政策下 地方与中央官员之间的推责游戏

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

14 April 2022

The Straits Times Food shortages in Shanghai fuel anger towards Chinese govt

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

12 April 2022

Asia Property Awards  Singapore loses balance as supply chain sends property prices into overdrive

Dr Ng Kok Hoe

11 April 2022

CNN Shanghai's chaotic Covid lockdown puts other Chinese cities on edge

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

11 April 2022

联合早报 针对华盛顿批准撤离驻沪领馆人员 反驳美“任意”论中国称防疫科学有效

Asst Prof Lu Xi

5 April 2022

Asia One China's health code algorithms leave some confused, shunned or stranded

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

30 March 2022

星岛日报 内地与港秋季前恐难通关

Asst Prof Lu Xi

24 March 2022

Zaker 长三角外贸工厂:掉入诡异繁荣的“订单陷阱”

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

22 March 2022

The Star Dozens of Chinese officials punished over latest wave of Covid-19 cases

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

20 March 2022

Channel News Asia COVID-19 changed relationships so what happens when things normalise?

Asst Prof Tan Poh Lin

19 March 2022

Lianhe Zaobao 新版冠病诊疗方案 不意味防控政策放松

Asst Prof Lu Xi

10 March 2022

Lianhe Zaobao 上海疫情持续扩散 一周逾260人染疫 “精准防控”实效受关注

Asst Prof Lu Xi

11 February 2022

The Edge Markets Hong Kong’s new Covid-19 rules face resistance from weary public

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

21 January 2022 美英澳外交抵制 北京冬奥会照办

Asst Prof Lu Xi

18 January 2022

Indonesia News Gazette Economic Recovery Hinges On Govt Policy

Assoc Prof Vu Minh Khuong

17 January 2022

Lianhe Zaobao 中国今年春运旅客料达11.8亿人次 分析人士:两会前“清零”政策将持续

Asst Prof Lu Xi

15 January 2022

The Star China’s civil servants ordered to tighten their belts

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

12 January 2022

Business Times Singapore unlikely to be hit with work stoppages, service disruption when Omicron wave crests

Assoc Prof Terence Ho

13 December 2021

Lianhe Zaobao: 中国拟设防控缓冲区 兼顾防疫与经济发展

Asst Prof Lu Xi

11 November 2021

Khmer Times: ADB says technology and innovation essential for Asia’s farmers

Asst Prof Sonia Akter

7 November 2021

Lianhe Zaobao: 中国特稿:全球起步疫后解封 中国坚守“清零”路难

Asst Prof Lu Xi

3 November 2021

CNA: What is emotional cheating? Experts on how the pandemic increased risk of infidelity

Asst Prof Tan Poh Lin/td>

5 October 2021

Nikkei Asia Review: Singapore 'soul searching' over economy as COVID surges

Asst Prof Tan Poh Lin

3 October 2021

Irish Times: Asia, once a vaccination laggard, is now revving up its inoculations

Asst Prof Reuben Ng

6 September 2021

The Straits Times: S'pore gig workers keen on more safeguards in issues like CPF, work injuries

Senior Research Fellow Ng Kok Hoe

28 May 2021

8 world: 【冠状病毒19】焦点 | 台湾防疫失守 社区病例激增

Asst Prof Lu Xi

26 May 2021

Straits Times: Women in Singapore less satisfied with their marriages during and after circuit breaker: Study

Asst Prof Tan Poh Lin

19 May 2021

Business Times: Vietnam woos Singapore investors to Da Nang

Prof Paul Cheung

13 May 2021

联合早报: 学者:欧美忙于应付疫情对疫苗出口停滞不前 中国迅速扩大疫苗外交领先优势

Asst Prof Selina Ho

7 April 2021

Technology Times Pakistan: 7 Views On How Technology Will Shape Geopolitics

Prof Danny Quah

1 April 2021

The Straits Times: Economic growth, education key to reducing gender inequality: Experts

Prof Danny Quah

30 March 2021

Nikkei Asia: Myanmar violence raises pressure on ASEAN to de-escalate crisis

Asst Prof Ryu Yongwook

29 March 2021

Express: EU warned: 'Dangerous' threats of Covid vaccine export ban could open 'Pandora's box'

James Crabtree

13 November 2020

联合早报: 调查:步入解封第二阶段 国人理性无“报复性消费”

Asia Competitiveness Institute

13 November 2020

Bloomberg: China Under Pressure to Reveal Vaccine Data After Pfizer Success

Asst Prof Ryu Yongwook

21 October 2020

Nikkei Asian Review: Singapore and rest of aging Asia scurry to avoid COVID baby bust

Asst Prof Tan Poh Lin

14 October 2020

The Business Times:  List Best Practices for Use of Macro-Prudential Policies in Housing Market

Prof Ramkishen S Rajan

6 October 2020

新明日报:学者:补助只是影响时间点 | 是否要生育不是关键

Asst Prof Tan Poh Lin

27 September 2020

新加坡教育网: 明年起,新加坡本地学校将结合在校和居家学习

Assoc Prof Suzaina Kadir

26 September 2020

Today Online: Universities, polytechnics, ITEs reviewing curriculum for a ‘new way’ of teaching, learning: Lawrence Wong Read more at

Assoc Prof Suzaina Kadir

26 September 2020

联合早报: 本地学校明年起将结合在校和居家学习

Assoc Prof Suzaina Kadir

26 September 2020

The Straits Times: Way forward is to focus on human strengths

Assoc Prof Suzaina Kadir

25 September 2020

8world: 黄循财:我国高等教育学府正探讨如何鼓励跨学科学习

Assoc Prof Suzaina Kadir

23 September 2020

South China Morning Post: Coronavirus: why China has left its options open for WHO’s global vaccine plan

Drew Thompson

8 August 2020

Tajikistan News: How Philippines Got Runaway COVID-19 Caseload, an Outlier in Asia

Assoc Prof Eduardo Araral

7 August 2020

GovInsider: Exclusive: Singapore’s secret for coping with uncertainty

Prof Lim Siong Guan

31 July 2020

The Pioneer: Singapore reports 396 new coronavirus cases

Phua Kai Hong

31 July 2020

Yahoo News: 反全球化新時代來了!經濟學家薩利:疫情催化國家單邊主義興起,給台灣的2大建議

Assoc Prof Razeen Sally

21 July 2020

Quartz India: With Indians indoors, complaints against domestic violence rise even as rape incidents fall

Asst Prof Saravana Ravindran

9 July 2020

Unravel: Asia’s economic future and the role of the state in a post-COVID world

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

29 June 2020

The Hills Times: Majority of China’s BRI projects abroad adversely affected by COVID-19 pandemic: Official

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

29 June 2020

The Free Press Journal: COVID-19: China Belt and Road Initiative project badly hit

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

28 June 2020

Korea Times: Pandemic takes the shine off China's Belt and Road Initiative

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

22 June 2020

Nikkei Asian Review: How the pandemic will permanently change the way we travel

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

21 June 2020

This Week in Asia: Chinese seafarers stranded as ships remain adrift in coronavirus limbo

Prof Alfred Wu

21 June 2020

Sina: 《人民日报海外版》报道国际社会高度关注中国启动自由贸易港建设

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

20 June 2020

Philstar: After the pandemic

Prof Danny Quah

18 June 2020

Voice of the Highway: Coronavirus Fears in China Find a New Target: Salmon – The New York Times

Drew Thompson

13 June 2020 《应对疫情 各国财政政策》

Prof Alfred Wu

8 June 2020

Tribunnews: Pakar Kesehatan: Penerapan Normal Baru Harus Mengacu Pada Kajian Ilmiah

Prof Tikki Pang

8 June 2020

Global How COVID-19 is Stifling Vietnam's Agenda to Vie with China over Disputed Sea

Prof Ed

7 June 2020

Nikkei Asian Review: From global pandemic to greener world? Experts see opportunity

Prof Ben Cashore

30 May 2020

ThePrint: China’s muscle-flexing in Ladakh doesn’t mean there’s a war coming, says former NSA

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

29 May 2020

Kompas: Faktor Ekonomi dan Kesehatan, Bagaikan Dua Sisi Mata Uang

Prof Tikki Pang

26 May 2020

The Straits Times: Great green stimulus: Covid-19 and the green new deals

Prof Vinod Thomas

23 May 2020

Vietnaminsider: Vietnam upbeat about economic recovery after the pandemic

Assoc Prof Vu Minh Khuong

23 May 2020

Philstar: Behind closed doors: COVID-19's hidden burden on families and how they cope

Ng Kok Hoe

22 May 2020

Today: Men taking on larger domestic role, more seniors using technology could become norm after Covid-19 crisis: Panel

Ng Kok Hoe

21 May 2020

Times of News: Easing of measures like ‘stress test’ to see what works

Assoc Prof Phua Kai Hong 

21 May 2020

Lawfare: U.S.-China Rivalry After COVID-19: Clues and Early Indications from Southeast Asia

Prof Khong Yuen Foong 

20 May 2020

8World: 本地空气素质改善 专家忧阻断措施放宽后或回升

Prof Vinod Thomas

19 May 2020

Channel NewsAsia: Singapore Tonight

Prof Vinod Thomas

18 May 2020

联合早报: 受访专家:与以往市场崩盘原因不同 冠病危机对经济冲击大但料短暂

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

17 May 2020

Xinhuanet: Interview: Side effects of Fed's unlimited quantitative easing should not be undervalued -- economist

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

17 May 2020

China Org.Cn: Interview: Side effects of Fed's unlimited quantitative easing should not be undervalued -- economist

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

16 May 2020

The Asean Post: COVID-19: Facts And Fakes

Prof Tikki Pang

15 May 2020

Zaker: 美联储“无上限”量化宽松副作用不容低估

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang 

15 May 2020

The Edge Singapore: Smaller states caught between rock and a hard place

Prof Khong Yuen Foong 

15 May 2020

The Edge Singapore: Surviving the post-Covid world order

Prof Khong Yuen Foong 

14 May 2020

Brookings: US-China rivalry after COVID-19: Clues and early indications from Southeast Asia

Prof Khong Yuen Foong 

13 May 2020

The National Interest: Why Coronavirus May Do More Damage to America’s Reputation Than to China’s

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

8 May 2020

Xinhuanet: Responding to crisis requires cooperation between China, U.S.: expert

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang 

5 May 2020 China Needs To Build More Resilient Supply Chains: Expert

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang 

2 May 2020

CNA 938: Rising US-China tensions over COVID-19

Drew Thompson

1 May 2020

Beijing China Plans to Hold Long-Delayed Leadership Meetings in Late May

Drew Thompson

1 May 2020

South China Morning Post:  Australia’s COVIDsafe to Singapore’s TraceTogether: are coronavirus contact tracing apps a panacea, privacy invasion, or simply flawed?

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

30 Apr 2020 Covid-19 đe dọa khiến Trung Quốc - Mỹ chia tách nhanh hơn?

Prof Khong Yuen Foong

29 Apr 2020

The Straits Times: Coronavirus will strain US-China ties as Asean is pushed to pick sides

Prof Khong Yuen Foong

29 Apr 2020

联合早报: 疫情为双方竞争火上添油 中美不可能因疫情战略性暂停博弈

Prof Khong Yuen Foong

24 Apr 2020

8视界: 全国进入紧急状态 能缓解日本疫情吗?

Prof Yongwook Ryu

21 Apr 2020

The Telegraph: How Singapore went from leading global Covid-19 efforts to having the most cases in SE Asia

Drew Thompson

15 Apr 2020

The Star: Experts warn of further restrictions in Singapore until Covid-19 vaccine is ready

Prof Tikki Pangestu

15 Apr 2020

The Straits Times: Coronavirus: Repeat circuit breakers may be needed, say experts

Prof Tikki Pangestu

15 Apr 2020

Channel NewsAsia: Circuit breakers may need to be switched on and off until COVID-19 vaccine is found: Experts

Prof Tikki Pangestu

15 Apr 2020

China Daily: Expert looks to robust governance, leadership

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

15 Apr 2020

AFP: Fearful of virus return, Beijing turns into virtual fortress

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

13 Apr 2020

The Jakarta Post: Past experiences have shaped countries’ responses to COVID-19: Experts

Prof Tikki Pangestu

11 Apr 2020

Channel News Asia: COVID-19: Temporary homeless shelter set up during Singapore's 'circuit breaker' period

Ng Kok Hoe

9 Apr 2020

SCMP: Coronavirus crisis chief leaves China Covid-19 epicentre in sign of Beijing’s faith that Hubei is on the mend

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

8 Apr 2020

Daily Mirror: CB Governor sees stronger pushback against neoliberal order post-COVID-19

Prof Razeen Sally

7 Apr 2020

Beijing News: Zero Infections in China Military

Drew Thompson

7 Apr 2020

Global Policy Journal: Why Experts Disagree on How to Manage COVID-19: Four Problem Conceptions, Not One

Prof Ben Cashore
Prof Danny Quah
Prof Kanti Bajpai

7 Apr 2020

中国经济周刊: 新加坡进一步强化疫情防控措施

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

7 Apr 2020

央广网: 全球旅游业面临疫情大考

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

7 Apr 2020

北部湾在线: 多国旅游业遭受重创 全球旅游业面临疫情大考

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

5 Apr 2020

SCMP: Philanthropists step up citizens’ diplomacy with gifts even as US, Chinese diplomats play the blame game amid coronavirus pandemic

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

4 Apr 2020

Al Jazeera: Can the coronavirus curve be flattened?

Drew Thompson

3 Apr 2020

The Straits Times: Locked in cages, beaten and shamed: Coronavirus laws lead to abuse

Dr Gillian Koh

3 Apr 2020

199IT: 世界旅游组织:预计2020年游客数量将比2019年下降30%

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

3 Apr 2020

网易新闻客户端: 全球旅游业面临大考:今年收入或将减少超三千亿美元

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

3 Apr 2020

《环球人物》杂志: 全球旅游业面临疫情大考

Assoc Prof Gu Qingyang

3 Apr 2020

焦点 疫情下的中美关系

Drew Thompson

3 Apr 2020

焦点 中美疫情下的外交博弈

Drew Thompson

3 Apr 2020

The Straits Times: China’s mask diplomacy caught in a wrangle

Drew Thompson

2 Apr 2020

Channel NewsAsia: COVID-19 and safe distancing – why this can save lives (Heart of the Matter podcast)

Dr Gillian Koh

2 Apr 2020

The Straits Times: The bugs in China’s mask diplomacy

Drew Thompson

2 Apr 2020

Asiaone: Coronavirus: Xi Jinping tells China to stay on guard as country seeks to restart economy

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

1 Apr 2020

Yahoo: Coronavirus: Xi Jinping tells China to stay on guard as country seeks to restart economy

Assoc Prof Alfred Wu

31 Mar 2020

Republika Online: Akademisi: Bukti Ilmiah Belum Jadi Pertimbangan Regulasi

Prof Tikki Pangestu

31 Mar 2020

Vietnam Insider: What the West could learn from Asia on fighting coronavirus?

Prof Tikki Pangestu

27 Mar 2020

VOA Cambodia: US Pledges additional foreign aid to battle COVID-19

Drew Thompson

26 Mar 2020

CBC News: Your guide to COVID-19 and its impact on life in Canada

Prof Tikki Pangestu

26 Mar 2020

CNBC: Trump faces crucial test at the G-20 meeting as world leaders meet to battle coronavirus

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

23 Mar 2020

Channel NewsAsia: The Big Read: Singapore has been buttressing its food security for decades. Now, people realise why.

Dr Cecilia Tortajada

23 Mar 2020

Fox News: Singapore, after working to keep coronavirus in check, to shut down borders Tuesday

Prof Tikki Pangestu

23 Mar 2020

Indian Strategic Studies: Asia’s best strategies against coronavirus: track, isolate, communicate

Prof Tikki Pangestu

21 Mar 2020

Today: The Big Read in short: As vegetables, eggs fly off the shelves, importance of food security hits home

Dr Cecilia Tortajada

21 Mar 2020

BBC News: Coronavirus: What could the West learn from Asia?

Prof Tikki Pangestu

21 Mar 2020

News 360 info: Coronavirus pandemic emergency kit – Facts and myths

Prof Tikki Pangestu

20 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: US economy at stake as it decides on coronavirus response (Asian Insider EP29)

Prof Danny Quah

19 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: The Brink of Recession (Asian Insider EP29)

Prof Danny Quah

19 Mar 2020

Ghanaianews: How Singapore stayed one step ahead of the virus

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

19 Mar 2020

AP News: Best strategies against virus: Track, isolate, communicate

Prof Tikki Pangestu

19 Mar 2020

BBC News: Coronavirus: The detectives racing to contain the virus in Singapore

Assoc Prof James Crabtree

17 Mar 2020

Firstpost: Coronavirus cases spike in Asian countries, crush theory that warmer weather could stem the spread

Prof Tikki Pangestu

17 Mar 2020

Line Today: Coronavirus: will a mandatory lockdown be in the US’ future?

Prof Kanti Bajpai

17 Mar 2020

SCMP: Coronavirus: will a mandatory lockdown be in the US’ future?

Prof Kanti Bajpai

17 Mar 2020

Yahoo News: Coronavirus: will a mandatory lockdown be in the US’ future?

Prof Kanti Bajpai

17 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: Malaysia coronavirus lockdown: Food security strategies put to test, but Singapore is ‘well prepared’

Dr Cecilia Tortajada

17 Mar 2020

Berita Harian Online: Cuaca panas belum tentu dapat bendung COVID-19

Prof Tikki Pangestu

16 Mar 2020

Today: Can hot weather stop coronavirus? Southeast Asia surge raises doubts

Prof Tikki Pangestu

14 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: US, China in war of words over virus’ origin

Drew Thompson

11 Mar 2020

Today: Temperature screening still useful in detecting Covid-19 cases despite limitations, experts say

Prof Tikki Pangestu

10 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: S’pore will continue to accept cruise ships despite higher risk of spread

Prof Tikki Pangestu

10 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: Covid-19 likely to linger for a long time, say experts

Prof Tikki Pangestu

6 Mar 2020

SCMP: Vaccine remains elusive (Print)

Drew Thompson

6 Mar 2020

The Japan Times: With Xi visit now delayed, coronavirus threatens to spoil Abe’s 2020

Prof Yongwook Ryu

2 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: Why WHO hasn’t declared Covid-19 a pandemic

Prof Tikki Pangestu

1 Mar 2020

The Straits Times: Covid-19 is not a pandemic – at least not yet – as it is not affecting large numbers globally

Prof Tikki Pangestu

26 Feb 2020

Mothership: S’pore govt needs to inoculate public better against Covid-19 fears, IPS academic says

Dr Carol Soon

26 Feb 2020

Media, Entertainment, Arts, Worldwide: Coronavirus: Deadly COVID-19 virus has not mutated and changed to something more dangerous, says expert

Prof Tikki Pangestu

26 Feb 2020

Saudi Arabia Tribune: This Hearty Group of Filipinos Is Staying Strong Worldwide Despite Virus Outbreaks

Prof Eduardo Araral

26 Feb 2020

The Straits Times: Outbreak has gone beyond being contained: US expert

Prof Tikki Pangestu

25 Feb 2020

狮城新闻: 男人真的比女人更容易感染新冠肺炎吗? 专家释疑

Prof Tikki Pangestu

24 Feb 2020

Hong Kong Herald: China, Southeast Asia set aside mistrust to fight deadly virus

Prof Eduardo Araral

22 Feb 2020

SCMP: There was no vaccine for Sars or Mers. Will there be one for the new coronavirus?

Drew Thompson

21 Feb 2020

SCMP: Beijing announces measures to boost economy (Print)

Drew Thompson

20 Feb 2020

Channel NewsAsia: In Conversation Tikki Pangestu

Prof Tikki Pangestu

18 Feb 2020

Yahoo News: China takes new steps to help revive coronavirus-hit economy

Drew Thompson

17 Feb 2020

Today: Explainer: What are ‘super spreaders’ and are they a cause for concern for Covid-19 outbreak?

Prof Tikki Pangestu

17 Feb 2020

Channel NewsAsia: COVID-19 threat could erode with time just as with H1N1, say experts

Prof Tikki Pangestu

14 Feb 2020

Today: Explainer: Are men really more vulnerable than women to Covid-19? Experts weigh in

Prof Tikki Pangestu

5 Feb 2020

Channel NewsAsia Novel coronavirus – the search for a cure (and a name experts can agree on) (Heart of the Matter podcast)

Prof Tikki Pangestu

1 Feb 2020

Beijing News: Q&A: Evacuations from China’s virus-hit Wuhan

Drew Thompson