Asia Thinker Series

The future of Asian trade and globalisation after COVID-19

Global trade is in free-fall, with supply chains frozen and lockdown sharply reducing demand for goods. But even beyond the short-term shock, the COVID-19 crisis looks likely to reshape Asia's recent globalisation in profound and uncertain ways. It seems clear that the era of "hyper-globalisation" prior to the 2008 crisis is now over. But what will come after it? Does Asia face a new era of protectionism and separation between east and west? Or might a new model of globalisation emerge, fashioned around new regional supply chains and driven by trade in services and digital products, rather than physical goods? 

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This episode is put together by the Global-is-Asian’s Asia Thinker Series and the Centre on Asia and Globalisation, supported by the Hong Siew Ching Foundation.

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Facebook Live Event
Wed 6 May 2020
05:15 PM - 06:15 PM

Assoc. Prof. James Crabtree

Assoc. Prof. James Crabtree

Moderator, Associate Professor in Practice, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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Dr Parag Khanna

Dr Parag Khanna

Speaker, International Bestselling Author of “The Future Is Asian”

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Assoc. Prof Razeen Sally

Assoc. Prof Razeen Sally

Speaker, Visiting Associate Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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Tan Sri Dr Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria

Tan Sri Dr Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria

Speaker, Executive Director, APEC Secretariat

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