Researchers from the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Dr Chew Han Ei, Mr Shane Pereira, Ms Pamela Lee, Ms Isabelle Tan and Ms Elizabeth Lim, recently conducted a study on public attitudes towards National Service (NS). The aim of the study was to better understand public sentiments on NS as an Institution and NS as Lived Experiences, so as to improve the NS experience. This was done through collating the results from a nationally representative survey on 1,002 Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs), focus group discussions, and personal interviews, between July and November 2022.
In conducting the study, researchers sought to explore these questions: What attitudes do the public hold towards NS that may have arisen from recent trends in the demography, education, and work landscape of Singapore, the geopolitical landscape, as well as individual/personal aspirations? What are some of the emerging challenges that the NS system would need to address to ensure that it remains relevant and effective? How can the NS system improve our national servicemen’s NS experience?
• Study Report
• Press Release
Media Coverage
• Channel NewsAsia. 2023. Most people in Singapore still support National Service, but fewer view it as important for job skills: Study. 5 Jul.
• Lianhe Zaobao. 2023. 调查:即使未面临直接威胁 逾九成公众支持强制国民服役. 5 Jul.
• Tamil Murasu. 2023. தேசிய சேவைக்கு வலுவான ஆதரவு. 5 Jul.
• The Straits Times. 2023. Strong support for NS continues, but fewer people find it useful in civilian employment: IPS study. 6 Jul.
• TODAY. 2023. Public support for NS stays high but more feel it does not offer enough job skills: IPS study. 5 Jul.