Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) will hold its annual flagship Singapore Perspectives (SP) conference on 18 January 2016. The theme of SP2016 is “We” – the first word in the National Pledge summoning into existence that collective noun, Singaporean.
decades of nation-building, we have achieved much. Though Singapore is no longer the product solely of a mere will of imagination, Singaporeans should nevertheless reimagine who “We” are. Having celebrated SG50, how are we to move ahead as a people towards
SG100? Should our aspirations and ideals remain constant? If not, how should we change? What would threaten or strengthen the future of “We”?
While SP2015 coincided with Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, SP2016 will mark the first year in the next half-century
of our island-nation’s story. It is thus befitting that we experiment with a new conference format so as to engage more people on the important issues that concern us. Audience members and panellists made up of public servants, academics, community and
corporate leaders will get the opportunity to interact with and question four of Singapore’s fourth-generation leaders: Mr Heng Swee Keat, Mr Chan Chun Sing, Mr Ng Chee Meng and Mr Ong Ye Kung.
As in the past, SP2016 will provide a platform for
close to 800 leaders in their fields and interested members of the public to look at the challenges that Singapore will face in the coming years. We hope that by building bridges between different individuals, we can encourage the emergence of better
Please click here to view the Programme.
Singapore Perspectives 2016: Opening Remarks by Mr Janadas Devan
• Singapore Perspectives 2016: Speech by Mr Ng Chee Meng
• Singapore Perspectives2016: Speech by Mr Ong Ye Kung
Video Highlights:
• Opening Remarks by Mr Janadas Devan, Director, IPS
• PANEL I : Collaborative Governance?
II: Cohesive Diversity?
• PANEL III: Inclusive Growth?
• PANEL IV: The Future of “We”
• Highlights of the conference by Channel NewsAsia – Towards SG100
Additional Information:
• Photos from SP2016 on Flickr. Please credit the Institute of Policy Studies when publishing the photos.
• Conference updates on Twitter @IPS_sg
Media Coverage:
Tamil Murasu. 2016. Chan: Good Governance will lead to a better future. 19 January
• My Paper. 2016. ‘Good governance crucial’ if S’pore is to last forever. 19 January
• The Straits Times. 2016. The ‘We’ in our National Pledge. 19 January
• Berita Harian. 2016. Persidangan Perspektif Singapura 2016 -"Kita" anjuran IPS; Mencapai visi 'rakyat yang bersatu. 19 January
• Mothership.sg. 2016. Ong Ye Kung ranked best speaker at Singapore Perspectives conference. 19 January
• The Business Times. 2016. Good to have more data-driven policies: Swee Keat. 19 January
• The Straits Times. 2016. IPS Conference: Diversity. 19 January
• The Straits Times. 2016. IPS Conference: The future. 19 January
• The Straits Times. 2016. IPS Conference: Governance. 19 January
• The Straits Times. 2016. IPS Conference: Inclusive growth. 19 January
• The Middle Ground. 2016. Singapore Perspectives 2016 in depth: Who are “we”?. 19 January
• 联合早报. 2016. 王瑞杰:保留民选总统制度时 关键在减少潜在弊端. 1月19日
• Yahoo News. 2016. Singapore’s government moving towards ‘increasing openness’: Heng Swee Keat. 19 January
TODAY. 2016. Govt quizzed on whether it’s willing to ‘cede influence, accept more views’. 19
• TODAY. 2016. Nature of aspirations, borders to evolve as S’pore progresses to SG100. 19
• TODAY. 2016. Panellists flag challenge of reaching consensus as views get more diverse. 19
• TODAY. 2016. ‘Society’s collective decision vital for inclusiveness’. 19
• 联合早报. 2016. 王乙康:累进税制是社会进步的起点. 1月18日
• 联合早报. 2016.
陈振声:“ADAM”一词可概括良好治理. 1月18日
• The Straits Times. 2016.
Litmus test of good politics? Whether Singapore and Singaporeans benefit: Chan Chun Sing. 18 January
• The Business Times. 2016. Politics should have a sense of seriousness and purpose: Heng Swee Keat. 18 January
Channel 8 News. 2016. 陈振声:协同治国是集体行动. 1 月 18 日
• Vasantham Central.
2016. Tamil Seithi. 18 January
• Channel NewsAsia. 2016. News Now. 18 January
• Channel 5. 2016. News 5. 18 January
• Channel 8. 2016. News. 18 January
• Channel U. 2016. News. 18 January
• Radio 938LIVE. 2016. 18 January
• Radio Capital
95.8FM. 2016. 18 January
• Radio Warna 94.2FM. 2016. 18 January
• Radio Oli 96.8FM. 2016. 18 January
• Channel 8 News. 2016. “新加坡透视论坛”:部长们就我国面对的问题 分享想法. 1 月 18 日
• Channel NewsAsia. 2016. Good governance requires collective action, leadership: Chan Chun Sing. 18 January
Channel NewsAsia. 2016. Inclusive politics, policies drive ‘one united people’ vision: Ng Chee Meng. 18
IPS is grateful to the following organisations for their generous support of Singapore Perspectives 2016: