Community arts have been one of the main planks of Singapore’s cultural policy since the publication of the third Renaissance City Plan in 2008 and the 2012 Arts and Culture Strategic Review. Among the major initiatives launched was the National Arts Council’s Arts For All that aims to bring “the arts to our shared spaces – where we live, work and play”. Another was the People’s Association’s PAssionArts which “aims to make arts & culture more accessible to the people by bringing it right to the heart of every constituency in Singapore”.
The roundtable will examine the progress made and the impact of these and other initiatives, and offer ideas for the further development of community arts.
It is the third in a series of roundtable discussions jointly organised by the Institute of Policy Studies and Singapore Art Museum about cultural policy in Singapore. The first two were on the state of literature education and on place management and placemaking.
To allow for free and frank exchange, this will be a “closed-door” roundtable held under the Chatham House Rule.
This is a closed-door discussion. Please click here to view the programme.
About the IPS-SAM Spotlight on Cultural Policy Series
The IPS-SAM Spotlight on Cultural Policy Series is a space for frank, robust and collegial discussion of the issues and challenges related to arts and cultural policy in Singapore. Each discussion will gather members of the arts and creative community, policymakers, academics and other stakeholders working across different fields, to discuss a specific, timely topic about the arts and cultural policy landscape in Singapore. The goal is to assess current policies and offer recommendations for the future. The Singapore Art Museum (SAM) is the venue sponsor for the 2015–2017 series.
The seminars in the series are: