
Education for Sustainability and Super-wicked Challenges

What is the role of education in fostering sustainability actions? How do we generate and share capabilities for navigating and influencing systems? How do we acquire the skills for designing sustainable interventions and innovations? Should sustainability-related competencies be part of mainstream curricula and if so, at what stage and in what format? These are the questions that we will address at this interactive roundtable discussion.
Conference Room, Oei Tiong Ham Building
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
469C Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259772
Fri 31 May 2024
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Ms Sulian Tay

Ms Sulian Tay

Chair, UWC South East Asia (SEA)

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Mr Naheed Bardai

Mr Naheed Bardai

Principal, UWC Atlantic College Wales and board member, UWC International

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Prof Benjamin Cashore

Prof Benjamin Cashore

Director, Institute for Environment & Sustainability, Li Ka Shing Professor in Public Management, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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Prof Lutfey Siddiqi

Prof Lutfey Siddiqi

Visiting Professor-in-Practice, LSE and Adjunct Professor, NUS

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