Online Seminar

What Consumers Want during the Pandemic: A Singapore Perspective

ACI Webinar_12Nov2020

Our webinar examines these pressing questions through the lens of Singapore. We use high frequency, aggregated and anonymized consumption data from Mastercard for the time period up to the second phase of re-opening as a framework. Our analysis finds that consumption recovery in Singapore among non-travel sectors are not associated with “revenge spend” but reflect rational consumer behaviour instead. We identify signs that consumers internalize the risk of the pandemic by avoiding highly contagious activities. These insights are key to further re-opening in the current situation and serve as important lessons for minimizing economic costs in future pandemic events. Watch the webinar recording below. 

Read more on the webinar at our blog, here!

Media coverages:
Heartland sees retail boost as spending shifts away from city
Published in Straits Times on 13 Nov 2020, page 3

调查:步入解封第二阶段 国人理性无“报复性消费"
Published in Lianhe Zaobao on 13 Nov 2020, page 5
Online via Zoom
Thu 12 November 2020
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM