ACI's Annual Competitiveness Analysis for 34 Greater China Economies


The Annual Updates of Competitiveness Analysis for 34 Greater China Economies is one of ACI’s flagship projects. The study adopts a comprehensive framework to measure competitiveness, and conducts assessment at the sub-national level to account for considerable disparities within Greater China. With 102 indicators spanning into four environments: (1) Macroeconomic Stability, (2) Government and Institutional Setting, (3) Financial, Businesses and Manpower Conditions and (4) Quality of Life and Infrastructure Development, this study allows both a snap-shot view and a cross-time comparison for economies.

Given the increasingly important role of Greater China in the global economy, the insights derived in this research will contribute to the literature on complex dynamics of the Greater China economy, pertaining to policymakers in not only Greater China but also worldwide.

Competitiveness Ranking for 34 Greater China Economies

Author/s: ZHANG, Xuyao, GUO, Meiling and LU, Weilin

Publisher: Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI)

Author/s: ZHANG, Xuyao, LI, Jingwei and HUANG, Yijia

Publisher: Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI)

Author/s: ZHANG, Xuyao, ZHOU, Jingwei and LI, Jingwei

Publisher: Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI)

Author/s: ZHANG, Xuyao, MAO, Ke and ZHU, Yan

Publisher: Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI)

Author/s: ABEYSINGHE, Tilak and ZHANG, Xuyao

Publisher: Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI)

For better or for worse, the COVID-19 pandemic has re-shaped the global economy. Online businesses featuring remote communication have waxed, and traditional industries that involve in-person contact have waned. Such a huge economic shift has given rise to structural unemployment, predominantly of low-skilled workers in shrinking industries. Although the government can provide subsidies in the short run, facilitating labour transfers from shrinking to growing industries is inevitable for long-run labour quality growth.

The pandemic also caused underemployment in two ways: 1) individuals worked for fewer hours than necessary or desired, and 2) individuals worked in lower-paying jobs that do not match their skill set. Both situations led to lower productivity levels. Thus, the significance of this study lies in providing a benchmark for policymakers to reckon the labour quality movement for ASEAN-5 economies (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) and the sub-national economies of China, India and Indonesia.

If you would like to request for an e-copy of the whole book, please drop us an email at decb64_YWNpQG51cy5lZHUuc2c=_decb64.

December 2019

Impact Estimation of Welfare Spending on Fiscal Sustainability and Annual Update of Competitiveness Analysis for 34 Greater China Economies

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, ZHANG, Xuyao and MAO, Ke

Publisher: Unigrow Creative Print Pte Ltd

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, ZHANG, Xuyao and MAO, Ke

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

The Chinese economy has been playing an increasingly significant role on the global stage. This book is the sixth annual project of Asia Competitiveness Institute studying competitiveness at the sub-national level of Greater China. ACI's flagship competitiveness study not only adopts a comprehensive framework to measure competitiveness by incorporating 102 indicators under four environments and 11 sub-environments, but is also undertaken at the sub-national level to account for the considerable disparities within a large economy like Greater China. The comparative strengths and weaknesses based on the scores and rankings as well as the what-if simulation analysis can be used to formulate development strategies that are specific and of practical value for each sub-national economy and region.

The Shapley methodology adopted by ACI introduces a novel approach for the assignment of weights to the various indicators that constitute competitiveness. This concept has introduced an element of objectivity in terms of the assignment of weights. The findings using the Shapley value also tend to validate the robustness of results obtained from the competitiveness studies over the past years.

Moreover, the empirical research featured in this book attempts to understand the drivers of exports of Mainland China provinces, with a specific focus on real effective exchange rate movements and volatility. Nowadays with the international flows of goods and capital becoming ubiquitous and comprising an important aspect of national competitiveness, the role of exchange rate is drawing much more policy attention. In view of this, the research findings presented in this book make an important academic and policy contribution by empirically examining the relationship between exports and exchange rate.

Finally, the timing of this publication makes it indispensable to include some dedicated discussions of the trade disputes between the US and China. Several topics would be discussed in this book, including China's protection on Intellectual Property Rights, its violation of World Trade Organisation rules, challenges to its economic growth, the development of its three regional megalopolises, and how to mitigate the impact and ramification of its trade war against the US. This book attempts to identify the growing concerns in the US–China trade tension and provide suggestions for China's development in the future.

Author/s: TAN Khee Giap, ZHANG Xuyao, LEONG Puey Ei and Isaac TAN Yang En

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

This book is the fifth annual project of the Asia Competitiveness Institute studying competitiveness at the sub-national level of Greater China. ACI's flagship competitiveness study adopts a comprehensive framework to measure competitiveness by incorporating 102 indicators under four environments and 11 sub-environments. By undertaking the study at the sub-national level, it accounts for the considerable disparities within a large economy like Greater China. The study's unique methodology incorporates comparative strengths and weaknesses, and what-if policy simulations aimed at policy suggestions for each sub-national economy and region.

A new feature of this competitiveness study introduces the concept of Shapley value for the assignment of weights to the various indicators that constitute competitiveness. This methodological innovation not only adds an element of objectivity in terms of the assignment of weights, but also validates the robustness of results obtained from the competitiveness studies over the past years.

Moreover, the empirical research featured in this book attempts to understand the drivers of FDI inflows to Mainland China, with a specific focus on exchange rate movements and volatility. Nowadays with the international flows of goods and capital becoming ubiquitous and comprising an important aspect of national competitiveness, the role of exchange rate is drawing much more policy attention. In view of this, the research findings presented in this book make an important academic and policy contribution by empirically examining the relationship between FDI inflows and exchange rate.

Finally, the timing of this publication makes it indispensable to include the interpretation and reconciliation of policy development of China after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in October 2017. With the growing prosperity of its people and the improvement of its international status, China would "realise the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation and see the people realise their aspirations for a better life." As such, China has achieved the transformation from regaining dignity to becoming prosperous and growing strong to be a great modern socialist country visualised by President Xi Jinping. This book attempts to investigate the vision of "growing strong to be a great modern socialist country" from different aspects.

ISBN: 978-981-3272-39-2 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-981-3272-41-5 (ebook)
Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, WANG, Peng and XIE, Teleixi

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

As China entered into an economic new normal of slower but still very respectable growth of around 6 percent in recent years, views were divided as to whether the economy would slow down further into a hard landing and potentially be caught in the “middle income trap”. Given that Greater China is a diverse economy at different stages of economic development across a vast region, this book 2016 Growth Slowdown Analysis by Income Thresholds and Annual Update of Competitiveness Analysis for 34 Greater China Economies is thus more meaningful in that it examines the probability of growth slowdown by different income thresholds, namely high, middle and low for the 34 Greater China economies.

Into its fourth edition, this book also presents the Asia Competitiveness Institute’s annual update of sub-national economies of Greater China employing 102 different indicators across four different environments to capture competitiveness in a holistic way. This book also has a “What-if” competitiveness simulation exercise to identify the specific policy areas that each sub-national economy must focus on in order to improve their ranking.

ISBN: 978-981-3226-78-4 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-981-3226-80-7 (ebook)

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, YUAN, Randong and XIE, Teleixi

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

Although the successful economic transformation and reform of China since the 1970s could be regarded as a triumph in human history, China now has entered into the New Normal Era and encountered some slow-down in the recent years. The perspective of China’s growth under the New Normal Era would matter for both domestic and global economy.

As the third instalment of ACI’s annual tracking of the dynamics of competitiveness for Greater China, this volume includes the rankings and simulations results at both provincial and regional level which would offer insights for policy makers, industry leaders and other stakeholders in identifying challenges and opportunities for sound decision making. As an important part to determine the success of China’s structure change, a topic on the agricultural productivity is also discussed in details where quantitative research is conducted to estimate the agricultural total factor productivity at the provincial level, which would provide policy recommendations to help China to achieve its self-sufficiency in terms agricultural products.

ISBN: 978-981-3148-32-1 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-981-3200-13-5 (ebook)

December 2014


Author/s: 陈企业、袁冉东、熊蔚慈【著】 Translated by: 蒋钦姣、 谢特蕾西【译】

Publisher: Universe Scientific Publishing

经过三十多年的高速发展,当前中国经济已经进入“新常态”,未来几十年将面对GDP增速相对较低但质量相对较高的可持续发展时期。中国如何应对“经济新常态”的各种挑战,已经不仅仅关乎其自身的发展,更将对全球经济造成巨大的影响。 作为亚洲竞争力研究所关于大中华区竞争力研究的系列丛书的第二本刊物,本书展现了对34个大中华经济体竞争力的探索,并首批纳入对大中华区五个地区的竞争力研究。由于区域间的社会经济失衡已经成为中国在“新常态”下必须面对的严重挑战,我们希望上述省域与区域竞争力研究的分析结果能够为政策制定者提供一些参考,以帮助缓解地域发展差距的问题,并帮助行业领袖和其他利益相关方在面对挑战和机遇时做出正确明智的决策。
Author/s: TAN Khee Giap, YUAN Randong and Sangiita Wei Cher YOONG

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

After more than three decades of rapid growth, China is now entering into the New Normal Era, which will be characterised by slower but sustainable, quality growth for several decades to come. How China will fare under the New Normal Era matters not only for itself but also for its great impact on global prosperity.

While presenting as the second instalment of ACI's annual tracking of the dynamics of competitiveness among 34 Greater China economies, this volume also includes the results of the inaugural regional competitiveness analysis for five regions of Greater China. As regional imbalance in socioeconomic advancement is a serious issue China has to face up to under the New Normal Era, the results of such competitiveness analysis at provincial and regional levels offer insights for policy-makers to help address concerns associated with the regional disparity in development, and facilitate industry leaders and other stakeholders in identifying challenges and opportunities for sound decision making.

ISBN: 978-981-4730-63-1 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-981-4730-65-5 (ebook)

Author/s: 陈企业, 袁冉东, 熊蔚慈 and 杨沐 著

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd




ISBN: 978-981-4566-88-9 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-981-3229-91-4 (ebook)

Author/s: LI, Jingwei, SHEN Yan Shun, Lucas and ZHANG, Xuyao
Author/s: ZHANG, Chi, ZHANG, Xuyao and ZHOU, Jingwei
Author/s: ABEYSINGHE, Tilak, MAO, Ke and ZHANG, Xuyao

Publisher: Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 2022 27(2), 358-378 [UK]

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, YUAN, Randong and Sangiita, YOONG Wei Cher

Publisher: Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 20(4): 1-28, 2017(USA)

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, LIAN, Xiao and XIE, Teleixi

Publisher: Journal of Economics and Development Studies, 4(2): 129-144, June 2016 (USA)

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, YUAN, Randong and Sangiita, YOONG Wei Cher

Publisher: International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 19(2): 291-329, 2017(UK)

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, SUO, Haoran and RAJAN, Ramkishen S.

Publisher: International Journal of Business Performance Management, 17(4): 394–412, 2016 (UK)

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, YOONG, Sangiita Wei Cher and YUAN, Randong

Publisher: International Journal of Chinese Culture and Business Management (Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015), pp. 323-350) (UK)

Author/s: XIE, Taojun, LIU, Jingting, SENGSTSCHMID, Ulrike and GE, Yixuan
Author/s: LI, Jingwei, SHEN Yan Shun, Lucas and ZHANG, Xuyao

September 2019

A Study on Quality-Adjusted Labour in the Provinces of China

Author/s: MAO, Ke and Sky, CHUA Jun Jie

June 2019

Sectoral Employment and Wage of Urban Government-linked Enterprises in Mainland China Provinces: Trends and Patterns

Author/s: Mao, KE, Sky, CHUA Jun Jie, POH, Wei Tiong and CHEN, Xinke

July 2018

Greater China in the 21st Century: Best and Worst Performers

Author/s: Isaac, TAN Yang En

July 2018

Is Welfare Weighing on the Fiscal Balance of China Provinces? An Empirical Assessment

Author/s: SHEN, Jing and Jessica, TING Jia Hui

May 2018

Trends and Patterns of Debts and Social Expenditures in Mainland China: A Policy Analysis

Author/s: LEONG, Puey Ei and Megan, FOO

September 2017

How do Real Exchange Rates Affect Exports? An Empirical Analysis of China’s Sub-National Economies

Author/s: ZHANG, Xuyao, LEONG, Puey Ei, Gareth, TAN Guang Ming and TAY, Wei Yi

July 2017

Reassessing ACI’s Competitiveness Index using Shapley Values: A Case Study of Greater China

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap and ZHANG, Xuyao

June 2017

Trends and Patterns in International Trade in Goods in Mainland China: A Policy Analysis

Author/s: WANG, Zhe, ZHANG, Xuyao and Sasidaran, GOPALAN

November 2016

Understanding the Impact of Real Effective Exchange Rates on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows into Mainland China: A Panel Data Analysis

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, XIE, Teleixi and Anuja, TANDON

October 2016

Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows Distribution in Mainland Chinese Provinces

Author/s: WANG,Peng, Teleixi, XIE and CAI Jiao, Tracy

June 2016

Understanding The Dynamics Of Growth Slowdown For Greater China Economies: An Empirical Assessment

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, LIAN, Xiao and XIE, Teleixi
Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, YUAN, Randong and Sangiita, YOONG Wei Cher

Publisher: International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 19(2): 291-329, 2017(UK)

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, SUO, Haoran and RAJAN, Ramkishen S.

Publisher: International Journal of Business Performance Management, 17(4): 394–412, 2016 (UK)

Author/s: TAN, Khee Giap, YOONG, Sangiita Wei Cher and YUAN, Randong

Publisher: International Journal of Chinese Culture and Business Management (Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015), pp. 323-350) (UK)