Study of Private Hire Car Drivers in Singapore


In Singapore, the contingent workforce provides employment for a growing number of Singaporean workers, a substantial number of them being in the transport sector. Notably, the total number of private hire cars in Singapore has risen from 14,000 in 2012 to over 77,000 in 2019, of which over 55,000 are chauffeur-driven private hire cars (GovTech, 2020). 

Moreover, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been little systematically analysed data to understand how Private Hire Car Drivers (PHCDs) in Singapore are coping. These include  understanding the attitudes of PHCDs toward social protection, and the state of financial security and resilience among PHCDs, such as understanding their contingency plans for illness, retirement and/or exit from the industry. These information is important in guiding policy making to address the needs of PHCDs and in turn, the broader contingent workforce.

Against this backdrop, the study aims to examine the motivations, aspirations, stressors and needs of PHCDs in Singapore. This mixed methodology study will leverage constructs and measurement instruments drawn from fields such as psychology, marketing and organisational behaviour. The project will involve the conduct of a large-N survey and a series of in-depth interviews with PHCDs.

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