In recent years, platform work has gained prominence as an alternative mode of employment. Many have been drawn to join platform work given the perceived benefits it brings, such as income and flexibility. However, with a growing number of individuals joining platform work — with some even pursuing platform work full-time — there have been concerns about social protection and sustained livelihood for these workers. In order to achieve an in-depth understanding of the motivations, profiles, challenges and everyday lived experiences of platform workers, researchers from IPS have being researching on such workers since 2019, with a focus on private hire vehicle drivers and delivery riders.
Through this forum, researchers will share insights obtained from an ongoing ethnographic study of these workers as well as a survey of nearly 1,000 platform drivers. Following the research presentation, the forum will proceed to a panel discussion with industry representatives and academics who will respond to research findings and consider a balanced way forward on the issues.
Click here for the programme and speakers’ biographical notes.
Research Presentation
Panel Discussion