The Community Fellows - Ng Bee Leng


Ng Bee LengNG Bee Leng is a social worker by training and is currently the Director of Community Development and Corporate Support at AMKFSC Community Services Ltd. She is an official ABCD Guide accredited by Nurture Development and ABCD Institute, Europe.

Working with disadvantaged communities for the past 30 years has brought her to believe in asset-based community development that focuses on strengths rather than deficits of communities. Attention on “what is wrong” leads to an emphasis on deficits which is followed by a reliance on experts to solve their problems. However, when people in the community focus on “what is strong” and come together to participate in resolving their problems, they take control and collectively improve their own lives and the lives of others.

Bee Leng will conduct a participatory research project with the community from a low-income neighbourhood. Together with her community, Bee Leng will then adopt an asset-based community development approach to co-create and implement community-driven solutions.