The Institute of Policy Studies at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy is Temasek Foundation International’s partner for the Asia Journalism Fellowship (AJF), a highly prized mid-career programme for outstanding media professionals. The AJF brings journalists from across Asia to Singapore for three months of learning and exchange. This year, the programme runs from 16 July to 5 October 2018.
As part of the Fellowship, we will be organising the Asia Journalism Forum on 21 September 2018, supported by Temasek Foundation Connects. The Forum is based on the theme “Power Shifts in Journalism — Impact and Implications”. It will address the power shifts surrounding journalism and the media industry, posed by trends such as digitalisation, increasing political polarisation, the rise of micro-targeted content, industry convergence and regulation.
A distinguished line-up of practitioners and experts who are making significant impact on journalism and society, and are at the forefront of media transformation, would be speaking at the Forum. They include Bloomberg, Malaysiakini, Mediati, Roar Media, South China Morning Post, The Straits Times, and Professors Ang Peng Hwa and Cheryll Soriano. Please refer to the attached programme. We are pleased to have Mr Sree Sreenivasan, social media expert and cofounder of Digimentors, as the keynote speaker.
An estimated number of 100 participants comprising policymakers, media practitioners, industry leaders and academics from Singapore and Asia will attend the Forum.
Please click here for the programme.
Welcome Remarks and Keynote
Panel I: New Players, New Models, New Audiences
Panel II: Changing Lives, Changing Worlds
Panel III: Established Brands, New Ways