POPS (7) – Perceptions of the Marriage & Parenthood Package

July 2015

POPS, or Perception of Policies in Singapore Survey, is a series of short surveys on issues of public interest conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies. The series seeks to provide timely snap-shots of how stakeholders are affected, would be affected by, or perceive the impact of the policy area being investigated.

'POPS (7): Perceptions of the Marriage & Parenthood Package 2013' (July 2015) was undertaken to examine the attitudes of married Singaporeans towards the government’s various Marriage & Parenthood (M&P) measures as they existed in January 2013, in view of Singapore’s constant low fertility levels.

Conducted from July to September 2014, the POPS (7) survey polled 2,000 married Singapore citizens and permanent residents (the resident population) aged 21 to 49 years to investigate the adequacy of the M&P Package. The survey looked into whether the respondents were aware of the M&P measures, and whether they felt the measures were conducive to their own and other Singaporean couples’ future child-bearing decision. POPS (7) builds on the IPS Perceptions of Policies in Singapore POPS (2) survey, which was conducted in 2009 on perceptions and attitudes towards the M&P Package 2008.



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