POPS (2) – Survey on Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) Package 2008

September 2009

POPS or Perception of Policies in Singapore Survey is a series of short surveys on issues of public interest conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS). The series seeks to provide timely snap-shots of how stakeholders are affected, would be affected by, or perceive the impact of the policy area being investigated.

'POPS (2): Survey on Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) Package 2008' examines the attitudes of Singaporeans towards the 2008 M&P measures in view of the country’s constant low fertility levels.

In September 2009, the IPS surveyed married Singapore citizens and permanent residents of reproductive ages, 20-49 years, to gather their views on the 2008 Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) package a year after its announcement and implementation. The 2008 M&P package is the latest in a series of pro-natalist, pro-family measures introduced by the government to raise fertility in Singapore. A total of 2,010 persons were surveyed to provide insights into the adequacy of the M&P Package, whether the measures were conducive for them to have children and if the recent economic crisis had influenced their childbearing decisions. It also asked which M&P measures were most appealing to them.


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