POPS (3) – Resilience in Economic Crisis

December 2009

POPS, or Perception of Policies in Singapore Survey, is a series of short surveys on issues of public interest conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies. The series seeks to provide timely snap-shots of how stakeholders are affected, would be affected by, or perceive the impact of the policy area being investigated.

'POPS (3): Resilience in the Economic Crisis (December 2009)' is a re-run of the POPS (1) survey, which was first conducted in February 2009 to examine how Singapore residents were coping with the economic recession at the time.

Conducted between 9 December 2009 to 6 January 2010, POPS (3) surveyed a larger group of 2,109 people, and provides some insights into how resilient they were, what they would rely on and how long they would cope if they were to lose their main source of income. It also asked them to identify which government measures were important in helping them deal with the downturn. A cluster analysis provides three typologies of the respondents’ resilience. The findings offer some indication of how Singaporean society might have been responding to the downturn in 2009, and suggest how strong the ethic of self-help is here.


Note: The attached documents include a revised report and a set of powerpoint slides based on more recent and critical analyses of the data since it was released on 27 June 2010

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