Research Training for NUS Undergraduates

Social Lab offers a range of undergraduate student research opportunities for aspiring young researchers who are looking to gain first-hand experience in high quality social science research practices with real-world applications. These opportunities provide a bridge between the classroom and the working world, by providing students with unique avenues to put theoretical knowledge into practice. 

Students can expect to gain a deeper understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods, fieldwork management skills and project administration best practices, as they work together with our research and operations staff to address the needs of clients. 

Social Lab currently provide these training opportunities through the following programs:

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

UROPs are intended to provide undergraduate researchers in NUS with opportunities to undertake real-world research activities under the direct supervision of experienced researchers working in the field. Through these learning experiences, students will sharpen their analytical and administrative skills while gaining valuable insights into what it takes to pursue research as a career. 

NUS undergraduates who are enrolled in UROP are awarded modular credits for their work on research projects.

Independent Study Module (ISM)/Independent Research Project (IRP)

ISMs and IRPs allow NUS undergraduates to work independently on a chosen topic and to design their own research and lesson plan in close consultation with experienced researchers. ISMs and IRPs provide a valuable opportunity for students to delve into niche subjects that may not otherwise be offered as a course of study.  

Students who are interested in applying for these opportunities may reach out to their home departments or to Dr Mathew Mathews at decb64_bWF0aGV3Lm1hdGhld3NAbnVzLmVkdS5zZw==_decb64 or Ms Sakunika Wewalaarachchi at decb64_c2FrdW5pa2FAbnVzLmVkdS5zZw==_decb64.

Record of IPS Social Lab’s Research Projects offered for UROPs, ISMs and or IRPs

Semester 2 AY 22/23

  • Impact, effects and expectations of low-income Singaporean households in post-COVID-19 Singapore
  • Immigrant Integration in Singapore
  • Study on Households’ Pathways and Trajectories
  • Makan Index 2.0: A Study on Food Prices and Inflation
  • Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion at Workplaces

Semester 1 AY 22/23

  • COVID-19 and Our New Normal: The Social, Political, and Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore
  • Immigrant Integration in Singapore
  • Impact, effects and expectations of low-income Singaporean households in post-COVID-19 Singapore
  • Study on food delivery riders in Singapore

Semester 2 AY 21/22

  • COVID-19 and Our New Normal: The Social, Political, and Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore
  • Immigrant Integration in Singapore
  • Study on Race Relations

Semester 1 AY 21/22

  • Social, political, and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore
  • Understanding Attitudes towards Race and Religion in Singapore
  • Intergenerational experiences and social mobility of Singaporean households
  • Youth well-being and life satisfaction 
  • Misinformation in mobile instant messaging services