Study on “Skills for Success”

1. Purpose of Study

The Institute of Policy Studies is conducting a study of Generation Singapore’s “Skills for Success” programme (SFS), to better understand its impact on participants. The knowledge gained will be aimed at helping policymakers and researchers better understand how to shape similar interventions for better impact.

2. Who can participate in the research? 

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents between aged 21–35 years old.

3. What do I have to do for this study?

When you are officially enrolled in the research, the IPS Research Team will organise an interview with you. The interview will take about 1 hour.

You will be required to attend three of these interviews over the span of one year.

You will receive reimbursement for your time and travel cost for every interview. 

4. How will my privacy and the confidentiality of my research records be protected?

Only the Principal Investigator and his research team have access to your personal data (e.g., names and contact information) and this will not be released to any other person. Personal data will never be used in a publication or presentation. All identifiable research data will be coded (i.e. only identified with a code number) at the earliest possible stage of the research. Personal data will be discarded when the research study is completed.

The research team will use made-up numbers, called participant IDs, to keep track of people in this study. The datafile will be saved using these participant IDs. Participant IDs will not use any personal information that could identify you and will not be used to trace survey responses back to you.

The research team may share data from this study, which does not include any names or personal details, with other researchers, social service organisations, research institutions, or publish in academic journals. When researchers write reports about this study, they will write about the data as a whole group or make sure that any details about individual people cannot be traced back to them.

5. What are the possible discomforts and risks for participants?

The topics in the survey are unlikely to pose any discomforts and risks for participants. 

6. What are the possible benefits to me and to others? 

You will be given a small token of appreciation for your time and travelling cost.

The results of this research will help social service organisations plan programmes to help those in need. Important findings from the study (without any personal details) will also be shared publicly.

7. Can I refuse to participate in this research?

You can withdraw from the research any time during the study, without giving any reasons, by informing the Principal Investigator or any member of the research team.

However, if you wish to withdraw after the last survey has been conducted, you will have to do so within one week of the last survey. After this point, it will not be possible to withdraw your data. This is because we will begin our data verification process and remove all personally identifiable data one week after the completion of the final survey. After that, it will not be possible to identify individual responses.

8. Whom should I call if I have any questions or problems?

Please contact the Principal Investigator, Mr Christopher Gee (tel. no.: 6601 1418, email: decb64_Y2hyaXN0b3BoZXIuZ2VlQG51cy5lZHUuc2c=_decb64) or Co-investigator Mr Leon Lim (tel. no.: 6516 8006, email: decb64_bGVvbmxpbUBudXMuZWR1LnNn_decb64) for all research-related matters.

For an independent opinion specifically regarding the rights and welfare of research participants, you may contact a staff member of the IPS Department Ethics Review Committee at telephone (+65) 6516 8385 [Mondays to Thursdays from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm, and Fridays from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm, except public holidays] or email at decb64_aXBzX2RlcmNAbnVzLmVkdS5zZw==_decb64.