World in Transition: Singapore's Future by Professor Chan Heng Chee
Professor Chan Heng Chee’s lectures will examine Singapore’s place in an uncertain and fast-changing world. Covid-19 caught the international community by surprise, with the unprecedented speed and magnitude of the damage it has inflicted on public health and the economy. It has upended the way we work and live. At the same time, the uncertainty surrounding our world order remains. What will the continued US-China rivalry mean for Singapore? How will we see technology and trade shape the world moving forward? Is it all doom and gloom for Singapore? What about our circumstances might help us as we approach the new normal that lies ahead of us?
Singapore in a Time of Flux: Optimism from the Jaws of Gloom
Is Singapore's model of governance adequate for the future? In Professor Chan’s third and final lecture, she will consider Singapore's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, key political events in Singapore's history, and revisit ideas from her oft-cited 1975 paper "Politics in an Administration State: Where has the Politics Gone?" She will examine existing challenges such as inequality and ensuring the success of Singapore’s SMEs, which have become even more pressing due to COVID-19. Placing these issues in broader regional and global context, she will address the question: How will Singapore do in the future? And will Singapore be ready for the transformed post-COVID world?
Mr Bilahari Kausikan, Chairman of the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, will be moderating the Q&A session of this lecture.
Click here to read the event summary.
Media Coverage
- Berita Harian. 2020. Bijak menangani perbezaan dan membuat jangkaan; jangan sampai berpecah belah. 21 July.
- Campus Magazine. 2020. How have younger voters affected GE2020?. 20 July.
- CNA. 2020. Accommodating diverse views could be an area of improvement for Singapore: Chan Heng Chee. 15 July.
- Council on Foreign Relations. 2020. Elections Have Consequences in Singapore Too. 27 July.
- Mothership. 2020. Having 10 opposition MPs doesn't mean S'pore's divided or disunited: Ambassador Chan Heng Chee. 17 July.
- Mothership. 2020. Younger voters don't want to see 'political overkill', desire 'fair' politics: Ambassador-at-Large Chan Heng Chee. 16 July.
- Petro Times. 2020. Cuộc gọi ông Tập ngầm đáp tuyên bố Biển Đông của Mỹ. 16 July.
- South China Morning Post. 2020. Xi’s call to Singapore: a subtle ‘reminder’ about the South China Sea?. 15 July.
- The Independent Singapore. 2020. Ambassador-at-Large Chan: The youth bought the opposition’s message of need for diversity. 17 July.
- The Independent Singapore. 2020. Younger voters want incumbents to play politics more fairly: Ambassador-at-Large Chan Heng Chee. 17 July.
- The Globalist. 2020. Singapore’s 2020 Election: Political Renewal Ahead. 21 July.
- The Online Citizen. 2020. The PAP got the mandate it wanted, yet, so far, it seems like more of the same.17 July.
- The Straits Times. 2020. GE2020 results signal a return to the norm, or start of a new normal?. 19 July.
- The Straits Times. 2020. A new political culture is emerging. 18 July.
- The Straits Times. 2020. Voters want a kinder, gentler politics, says Chan Heng Chee. 16 July.
- The Straits Times. 2020. Covid-19 and its key truths for Singapore. 16 July.
- The Straits Times. 2020. Managing foreign workers, supporting SMEs are key Covid-19 issues that Singapore must tackle, says Chan Heng Chee. 15 July.
- The Straits Times. 2020. 'GE2020 shows a new political culture of a 'kinder and gentler politics' is emerging, says Chan Heng Chee. 15 July.
- TODAY. 2020. The Big Read: What went wrong for the People’s Action Party, in the eyes of party insiders. 19 July.
- TODAY. 2020. PAP has to better understand millennials to win back votes, says Ambassador-at-Large Chan Heng Chee. 16 July.
- TODAY. 2020. S'pore shouldn't choose between China and US for as long as it can: Ambassador-at-Large Chan Heng Chee. 16 July.
- Vietnam Times. 2020. Cuộc gọi điện của ông Tập gửi thông điệp cảnh báo chuyện Biển Đông. 16 July.
- Yahoo News. 2020. WP targeted younger Singaporeans well during GE2020, PAP has to do better, says Chan Heng Chee. 16 July.
- 8World. 2020.【新加坡大选】陈庆珠:行动党需更了解年轻选民需求 才能重获支持. 15 July.
- 8World. 2020. 陈庆珠:我国无须在中美之间选边站. 16 July.
- 联合早报. 2020. 巡回大使陈庆珠:年轻选民希望看到更公平温和的政治竞争环境. 15 July.
- 联合早报. 2020. 新加坡暂无需在中美之间选边站. 16 July.
- 联合早报. 2020. 陈庆珠:本届年轻选民增多偏向各党公平温和竞争. 16 July.
- 联合早报. 2020. 冠病疫情提醒我国 须确保必要物资供应稳定. 16 July.
- 联合早报. 2020. 陈庆珠:动荡时代的新加坡——黑暗中犹见曙光. 20 July.
- 联合早报. 2020. 巡回大使陈庆珠:行动党政府未来的经济发展模式. 21 July.
- 联合早报. 2020. 蓝云舟:寻找积极进取的社会契约. 26 July.
- 6DO. 2020. [国际] 新加坡大选投票率 95.81% 废票逾 4 万张. 16 July.