In collaboration with Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs, the Institute of Policy Studies is organising a Forum on Religion, Extremism and Identity Politics on Wednesday, 24 July 2019.
Terrorist attacks in New Zealand and Sri Lanka earlier this year exemplify the toxic nature of extremism empowered by radical ideologies, and the implications of societal tensions and fractures brought about by the rise of identity politics. These trends now threaten to divide and destroy communities worldwide and in the region.
Singapore is not immune; its openness and connectivity have contributed to an increasingly complex religious landscape, where religious identities and practices can be easily influenced by foreign ones. An emerging threat is the rise of segregationist practices and beliefs which reduce common space. Elsewhere in our neighbourhood, the use of religion to effect political gain has risen with detrimental implications to social peace and harmony.
Against this backdrop, this half-day IPS-MHA Forum serves as a platform to discuss the dangers of mixing religion with politics through an examination of the rise of identity politics globally, and the destructive interplay of religion and politics in neighbouring countries. The Forum will bring together eminent scholars, policy-makers, security practitioners, religious leaders, and other key stakeholders.
About 200 people are expected at this event, which will be open for media coverage. Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam has agreed to participate in the closing dialogue for the Forum.
Opening Remarks
Panel I: Religious Fundamentalism and International Extremism
• Presentation Slides of Mark Juergensmeyer• Presentation Slides of Professor Jonathan Fox
Panel II: Religion, Politics and Elections in the Region
Closing Ministerial Speech and Dialogue
Media Coverage
• Channel NewsAsia, 2019.
Singapore’s religious harmony law to be updated: Shanmugam. 24 July
Channel NewsAsia, 2019.
Singapore’s religious harmony law to be updated: Shanmugam | Video. 24 July
Mediacorp Channel 5, 2019.
News 5. 24 July
•, 2019.
Shanmugam: Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act to be updated, it hasn’t been since 1992. 24 July
TODAY (online), 2019.
Former diplomat warns Muslim millennials not to rely on online channels in search for identity. 24 July
The Independent, 2019.
Former diplomat: Muslim youth should not depend on the Internet for their identities. 26 July
The Straits Times, 2019.
Singapore to update law on religious harmony to address spread of hate speech, identity politics. 24 July
The Straits Times, 2019.
Political movements misusing and abusing religion: Academic. 25 July
The Straits Times, 2019.
3 forces could challenge social cohesion in Singapore: Bilahari. 25 July
The Straits Times, 2019.
Religious Harmony Act to be updated to meet new threats. 25 July
The New Paper, 2019.
Religious harmony law to be updated: Shanmugam. 25 July
联合早报(网站), 2019.
尚穆根:已有共识修订《维持宗教和谐法令》. 7月24日
新传媒 8 频道, 2019.
晚间新闻, 7月24日
联合早报, 2019.
尚穆根: 就修订宗教和谐法 各宗教团体已大致取得共识. 7月25日
联合早报, 2019.
美专家:政府须用“软方式”向年轻人传达不同宗教叙述. 7月25日
Mediacorp Suria, 2019.
SURIA Berita, 24 July
Berita Harian, 2019.
Akta akan disemak pastikan harmoni agama kekal terpelihara. 25 July
Mediacorp Vasantham, 2019.
செய்தி மீடியாகார்ப். 24 July
• Tamil Murasu, 2019.
சண்முகம்: சமய நல்லிணக்கச் சட்டம் மேம்படுத்தப்படும், 25 July