It is now possible to set up a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) within 90 seconds and raise funds on the metaverse by selling digital art through non-fungible tokens (NFTs). With blockchain technology, communities can potentially raise their own funds, engage in participatory budgeting, and support ideas and projects that get the most votes, all facilitated through a digital platform that they can control collectively. Will Web3 technology revolutionise community self-management and non-profit organisational structures though mass participation, or is it merely a fad and no-tech or lower-tech platforms can do just as well?
Come join Hum Qing Ze, Head of Product (Blockchain) at Tribe, and Mark Pascall, Founder of The Wellbeing Protocol, as they help answer key questions about the promise of Web3 technologies for community development and social inclusion. Jerome Yuen, Chief Executive Officer of Cycling Without Age Singapore, will also share their experiences of using Web3 technologies for fundraising and stakeholder engagement.
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