
Heart for the Community

26 Nov 2018

Graduating from LKYSPP has not curtailed Nguyen Thi Bich’s ties with Singapore or the School. If anything, her bond with them has intensified.

[ALUMNI-INFO TEXT="Bich's time at LKYSPP paid immediate dividends. "I was promoted, four months after accomplishing the course, to Director General of the International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Finance”. With her inclination toward strengthening communities, she was a natural choice for the position.

Bich places great value on the exchange of knowledge, and ran the LKYSPP Vietnam Alumni chapter based on sharing experiences and building fellowship, until she stepped down this year. She said: “I thought the Alumni chapter was a very good forum to share views which add value to participants, including the non-Alumni.”

She was impressed by her graduate programme at LKYSPP, describing it as “designed by Singapore, the role model for many developing countries”. In particular, she praised the way lessons were conducted, as well as her professors, lecturers and classmates.
The experience left an indelible mark, helping her "move confidently" in her own work."][/ALUMNI-INFO]

[ALUMNI-QUOTES TEXT="Her experience at LKYSPP also provided extra motivation to set up the LKYSPP Alumni Vietnam Chapter. “We wanted to promote the image of LKYSPP to our community, spreading the values and spirit of LKYSPP/Singapore in Vietnam, within both the public and private sector.”

As president, she led many initiatives to build up the chapter, including cycling, networking activities and policy dialogues. Her heart for fostering collaboration between Singapore and Vietnam as well as bringing aid to disadvantaged areas shows in those initiatives. “We [the Vietnam Chapter] join in with Singaporean Embassy events; support LKYSPP on its working visits to Vietnam, and share information and experiences with students going to Singapore to study.”

But the Vietnam Chapter event that perhaps best sums up Bich and her connection with LKYSPP is also one of her favourite memories with the Chapter. “The photo contest ‘LKYSPP in my heart’, which was extended to all LKYSPP alumni, was won by an American alumna. Her photo was about building houses for the poor in Vietnam.”"][/ALUMNI-QUOTES]