
Strengthening the Shanghai–Singapore Bond

23 Nov 2018

Since founding the LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter with other alumni in 2011, Chen Hai Tao (Bill) has fostered a robust alumni community in Shanghai. A man of steely determination, he has strengthened its ties not just with LKYSPP, but to Singapore as well.


[ALUMNI-INFO TEXT="I felt it was necessary, interesting, and beneficial to establish a LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter” he says. “What’s more important is that there were already some 80 alumni in Shanghai at that time”. Further impetus came from the collective desire to continue their networking and friendship, though it was no easy task. “I listened and utilised my experience, time, and enthusiasm to unite the other alumni in order to make it happen.”

Since then, he has spearheaded the chapter’s many activities—from organising learning and social events like field trips to fostering bilateral understanding, friendship, and cooperation with Singapore organisations and companies. Together, the alumni also pool their policy expertise, contributing to local, national, and regional development.

Before enrolling in the Master in Public Policy programme, Bill had been working at the Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association (SORSA). “Thanks to LKYSPP’s cooperative relationship with the Shanghai Municipality, I was lucky enough to be nominated to study at LKYSPP without having to resign from office, and to be awarded a full-aid scholarship.”"][/ALUMNI-INFO]

[ALUMNI-QUOTES TEXT="He is equally grateful for his time in school. During the first semester, his father unexpectedly passed away. He recalls, “Many fellow classmates gave me hugs to give me strength. One student even gave me her precious jade-ware with a card to show that their hearts were with me. With their kind consideration and encouragement, I felt the warmth, gradually moved out of my low mood, and continued my studies successfully.”

The experience convinced him of how important it was to be compassionate, and to create a shared community, locally and internationally. Even now, he remains as driven as ever. “I hope to make the Chapter a warm home for LKYSPP alumni in Shanghai, to help boost their professional development, and be a bridge linking Shanghai, Singapore, and LKYSPP.”"][/ALUMNI-QUOTES]