Having come to a different part of the world out of curiosity, Johannes Loh ended up staying because of the diversity. As a former president of the LKYSPP Alumni Singapore Chapter, he embodies that diversity.

[ALUMNI-INFO TEXT="The interaction with peers from all over the world with a shared passion for public policy created a wonderful studying environment”, says Johannes. What he calls the LKYSPP experience expanded his appreciation of “different solutions to real world problems beyond what was thought feasible or possible.”
Although his experience at LKYSPP was enriching, what he took from it after was equally rewarding. He found friends – some even lifelong, and unlocked an unprecedented network through his new connections. Those connections have kept him here longer than was expected. “Nine years later I am still here. That says something,” he reflects.
Since then those connections have resulted in many memories with fellow alumni. Johannes recalls some of them: Climbing Angkor Wat in Cambodia, sailing a paraw (a traditional fishing boat) in Boracay Philippines, skiing steep slopes in Switzerland, watching the sunset on Marina Barrage, and sharing beers and stories at the "improvised Alumni Oktoberfest"."][/ALUMNI-INFO]
[ALUMNI-QUOTES TEXT="His passion for camaraderie and his “deep connection” to LKYSPP made him the perfect candidate to be President of the LKYSPP Alumni Singapore Chapter, a role through which he led by example. He says: “I volunteered for mentoring and coaching and also participated in mock interview sessions for the career office.”
Since being nominated, he has thought about “how to strengthen the interaction across multiple batches of LKYSPP alumni.” Notably, he initiated the annual LKYSPP Bintan Alumni Weekend, which did just what he intended – bring together alumni spanning across various graduation batches."][/ALUMNI-QUOTES]
His advice to his fellow LKYSPP alumni? “[Despite your busy schedules,] take a second, close your eyes and remember those joyful moments on campus and then sign up for the next Alumni night or think about offering an internship to our current students."