
Powering the Economy by Empowering Women

26 Nov 2018

From Asia to West Africa, Thynn Thynn Hlaing has led many different programmes. However, her motivation throughout them all is the same: to bring relief where it is needed the most.
"Working with people from different backgrounds and expertise can create innovation and support for each other."

[ALUMNI-INFO TEXT="“I have a passion for development work, and I am experienced with building effective programmes delivered by staff that are highly motivated and able to work in a responsible and accountable manner," explains Thynn Thynn . Starting her career in Myanmar, she soon branched out into neighbouring countries like Cambodia and Sri Lanka, taking on short-term assignments with Oxfam.

She eventually found herself in Sierra Leone, West Africa. There, she had to rise to the occasion: “During the Ebola crisis, I led and successfully implemented Oxfam’s emergency response, which was staffed by 400 employees to fight against the global threat." Her efforts in the region did not go unrecognised, and in 2017, she was selected Best INGO Woman Leader in Sierra Leone by the INGO Watchdog Association in Africa.

She is motivated by the challenges she faces, seeing them as boundaries to overcome and grow from in her pursuit to improve the world. She explains: “The male-dominated society in West Africa and rapid contextual changes in developing countries requires one to be innovative in order to bring about sustainable change.”"][/ALUMNI-INFO]

[ALUMNI-QUOTES TEXT="Tangible social change from the perspective of gender and women’s rights is one of her drivers, and she has channelled this to effect in Sierra Leone: “On the women economic empowerment programme, we partnered with women-led community-based organisations to increase potato plantation and production. More than 200 women were
employed through our programme and were able to continue by themselves after the programme.”

Thynn Thynn accredits LKYSPP for helping her develop the necessary skillset for her successful work: “LKYSPP taught integrative problem solving; economic, financial management and leadership theories to address real-life problems. I am grateful to LKYSPP for this academic knowledge.”"][/ALUMNI-QUOTES]
Thynn Thynn Hlaing

Country Manager of Papua New Guinea Programme, Clinton Health Access Initiative