
Visit by delegation from Faculty of Economics & Business, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia

12 Jul 2024

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On July 12, a delegation from the Faculty of Economics & Business, Universitas Tanjungpura visited Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI). ACI Director Professor Paul Cheung met with the delegation led by the Dean Professor Barkah and discussed potential academic collaborations, including possible joint research, academic exchanges, and West Kalimantan's development strategies. Both sides expressed interest in exploring future opportunities for policy research.

List of Delegates:

1. Dr Barkah, SE. M.Si
    Dean, Faculty of Economics & Business
    Universitas Tanjungpura

2. Dr Jumhur, SE. M.Si
  Vice Dean, Faculty of Economics & Business
    Universitas Tanjungpura

3. Dr Haryono, SE. M.Si. Ak
    Vice Dean, Faculty of Economics & Business
    Universitas Tanjungpura

4. Dr Helma Malini
    Head of International Class and International Affairs, Faculty of Economics & Business
    Universitas Tanjungpura