Closed-Door Event

IPS Closed-Door Roundtable Discussion on Behavioural Insights for Social Impact

When behavioural insights are used in intervention-design, it can focus on adapting infrastructure, simplifying processes, or designing using better communications to help people make better choices. These nudges have been used in all domains of public policy, like health care, education, and climate change; some with astounding success when seemingly small tweaks have led to large scale behavioural changes.

The session will cover issues such as:

  • Is behavioural science a general-purpose tool relevant for all problems, or is it more suitable for certain types of problems?
  • Does framing the problem in terms of a behaviours individualises social problems such that it underplays the structural causes of the problem?
  • What are the limitations if any of such an approach?
  • How sustainable are behavioural interventions intended to be in the long run?
  • Can nudges lead to overall systemic change?
  • When do nudges become insidious forms of manipulation? And how do we guard against that?
Tue 2 May 2023
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM