Evening Talk

Death of the classroom: AI, online learning and the future of education in Asia

This panel will examine the way new technologies from artificial intelligence and virtual reality to massive open online courses are beginning to disrupt existing models of learning, and the way in which these technologies could help to meet rising demands for education around emerging Asia. From the rise of new global educational providers to the development of "micro" degrees and new VR tools for online learning, these technologies will also have profound implications for the way in which Higher Education policies are developed across Asia - both in developed economies like Singapore seeking to re-equip their workforce for a new era of globalisation and emerging nations attempting rapidly to increase the scale and quality of their education systems.

Lecture Theatre, Level 3, Block B, Faculty of Law, NUS Bukit Timah Campus
Mon 30 October 2017
05:15 PM - 06:30 PM

Mr Johannes Heinlein

Mr Johannes Heinlein

Vice President, EdX

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Mr Adrian Lim

Mr Adrian Lim

Director (Digital Participation & Foresight, Digital Readiness Cluster), Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA)

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Dr Suzaina Kadir

Dr Suzaina Kadir

Associate Dean (Admissions, Partnerships and Programmes), Deputy Director (Academic Affairs) and Senior Lecturer, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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Mr James Crabtree

Mr James Crabtree

Senior Visiting Fellow, the Centre on Asia and Globalisation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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