Our Network
CAG partners with pre-eminent institutions around the world to produce policy relevant knowledge on the impact of globalisation on Asia and Asia’s role in governing an integrated world.
Biennial Conference on China-India Studies
Inaugural Conference January 13 – 14, 2023.
Trends in China’s Global Engagement: Observations from Latin America and Southeast Asia (Biennial Conference)
Inaugural Conference 2022.
China on the World Stage (Annual Conference)
Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University; Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASISD); and the Strategic Studies Institute, China Central Party School.
Inaugural Conference 2018.
Five University Conference (Annual)
National University of Singapore, University of Tokyo, Peking University, Korea University, and Princeton University
Inaugural Conference December 2009.

Domestic Determinants of Southeast Asia's Relations with the United States and China
March 22-24, 2023.
Sponsorship of a Trade Research Internship position at the Centre on Asia and Globalisation.
ROK-Singapore Security Forum
November 3, 2023.
Southeast Asian Perspectives of US Strategy and Presence in the Region, March 2 – 3, 2023.
Southeast Asian Approaches to US-China Competition, July 23 – 24, 2020.

Workshop on Asian Cultural and Economic Markers and the War in Ukraine and Geopolitical Developments in Asia
With the University of Tartu Asia Centre, November 25, 2022.

NUS-Harvard Southeast Asia Survey
Completed in June 2022.

Conference on Deterring Conflict and Preserving Peace in Asia
March 16, 2022.

CAG-KCL Conference on Regional and Global Order
May 2 – 3, 2018

Workshop on Peace and Security in Southern Asia
January 9 – 10, 2018

Regional Cooperation Initiatives in the Asia-Pacific and the Emergence of New Eurasian Geopolitics
April 8 – 9, 2017
Policy Dialogue on The New Eurasian Geopolitics: Regional Multilateral Initiatives, Cooperation, and Competition
October 28, 2017

South China Sea conference
February 9 – 11, 2017, Sydney

Strategic Diplomacy in Southeast Asia
February 2-3 2017, Singapore

The Asian Century and China-Japan Cooperation, January 16-17 2017, Tokyo
Third Policy Dialogue on the Development of Russia’s Siberia and Far East, January 21-23 2017, Tokyo

Trade, Industrialization and Structural Reforms in ASEAN
January 9-10 2017, Ho Chi Minh City

“The Impacts on Cross-Strait Relations and Regional Situation of the Newly Elected Government in Taiwan”
January 23-24 2016, Singapore

“New Institutions for Growth in Asia and Eurasia: What Mission for Russia?”
December 13 2016, Singapore

The Fourth China-Japan Young Leaders Forum
November 25-27 2016, Japan
September 26-28 2016, Shanghai

Asset and risk Management for Global Public Investors: trends and expectations for 2016 and beyond
December 1 2015, Singapore
China Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea
Towards a Peaceful and Stable South China Sea Conference
April 23-25 2015, Nanjing

China-Japan Young Leaders Forum
November 28-29 2014, Tokyo

A New Narrative for the Asian Power Balance
November 24 – 25 2014, Singapore
Regional Security Roundtable Event
July 14-15 2013, Singapore

The Impact of National Culture on Foreign Policy Making in a Multipolar World
October, 3-4 2014, Berlin

Inaugural Conference on the Developing Asia Pacific’s Last Frontier Fostering International Cooperation in the Development of Russia’s Siberia and Far East
December, 16-18 2013, Singapore