
IPS Update Issue May 2019

15 May 2019

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In the Spotlight

P1_This Month at IPS_150519#OurBicentennialReflections Video Challenge 

In the lead up to the Singapore Bicentennial Conference, IPS and the Singapore Bicentennial Office invite Singaporean/PR students aged 12-25 years old to share their reflections on the Bicentennial on video. 

The top 20 videos will be featured on official Singapore Bicentennial Office platforms. Creators of the top 10 winning videos will get a seat at the Singapore Bicentennial Conference and a $200 book voucher.


P2_Report_Disability Community Network Meeting IV Inclusion_150519

Report — Disability Community Network Meeting IV: Inclusion
• 4-min read

After three roundtables on employment, education and caregiver support, this meeting of the Disability Community Network focused on the topic of inclusion. Co-organised by IPS and the Social Service Research Centre, the event featured a seminar by local disability studies scholar Victor Zhuang. He talked about the social underpinnings of disability, and inclusive norms that we can all practise towards a more accessible and inclusive society.

P3_Commentary Whats good and not so good about millennials attitudes on religious harmony and freedom of speech_150519Commentary — “What’s good and not so good about millennials’ attitudes on religious harmony and freedom of speech”
By Shanthini Selvarajan and Mathews Mathew
• 3-min read

More young people are open to permitting religious extremists to publish their views online. IPS researchers Shanthini Selvarajan and Mathews Mathew believe that this is because young people value freedom of expression more, especially on the internet. They explore this perspective and the challenges that may arise.

P4_Commentary Beyond a Founders Memorial build a monument to the people_150519Commentary — “Beyond a Founders' Memorial, build a monument to the people”
(The Straits Times)
By Arun Mahizhnan
• 4-min read

Writing after the Notre Dame fire, launch of Singapore’s bicentennial and news of the upcoming Founders’ Memorial, IPS Special Research Adviser Arun Mahizhnan reflects on the importance of documenting and celebrating the extraordinary contributions of ordinary Singaporeans to the development of Singapore.

Recent Releases on the IPS Website

P5_Event Report Seminar on Thinking Assessing and Doing Built Heritage in Singapore_150519Event Report — Seminar on “Thinking, Assessing and Doing Built Heritage in Singapore”

Together with the National University of Singapore Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’ Social Science and Policy Cluster, IPS Social Lab held a seminar on numerous aspects of built heritage practice from various perspectives, and discussed the legislative, commercial, and social challenges in heritage advocacy efforts.

P6_Event Report Fiscal Management of Singapores Reserves An Inter-Generational Perspective_150519Event Report — Fiscal Management of Singapore’s Reserves: An Inter-Generational Perspective

The fiscal management of Singapore’s reserves has been a focal point in the past two Budget speeches and debates. IPS organised a closed-door discussion to develop a framework for fiscal policy and management of the reserves that would deliver fair and sustainable outcomes for all generations of Singaporeans.

P7_Event Report IPS Social Inclusion Policy Network Second Meeting_150519Event Report — IPS Social Inclusion Policy Network (Second Meeting)

The IPS Social Inclusion Policy Network is part of the renewed impetus to tackle the problem of inequality in Singapore. The second meeting was held at the National Volunteer Philanthropy Centre, and featured plenary sessions on social assistance policies and senior volunteerism in Singapore, and breakout sessions that brought together experts, public intellectuals and social service practitioners.

P8_IPS Working Papers No 34 Religion Morality and Conservatism in Singapore_150519IPS Working Papers No. 34 — Religion, Morality and Conservatism in Singapore

IPS' latest working paper looks at the evolving trends of Singaporeans’ perceptions and attitudes towards social, moral & political issues. It analyses responses to the 2018 IPS Race, Religion and Language (RRL) Survey, and compares it with the results of the 2013 RRL Survey.

Singaporeans remain fairly conservative. However, there have been distinct shifts on issues surrounding homosexual rights, especially among respondents aged 18-25, who were much more liberal about moral issues compared to respondents aged 65 and above.

IPS Publications

P9_Book Launch of Singapore Chronicles Art_150519Book Launch of Singapore Chronicles: Art

May 2019 marks the beginning of the 58th Venice Biennale, and it is timely that last month, the Singapore Chronicles volume on Art was officially launched at the National Gallery Singapore. It was written by two Senior Curators at the Gallery, Seng Yu Jin and Shabbir Hussain Mustafa. At the 2015 Biennale, Shabbir curated artist Charles Lim’s SEA STATE, one of the many artworks featured in this chronicle of Singapore’s art and artists. Photo: Veteran thespian Lim Kay Tong opened the book launch with a reading of “Is Art Necessary?”, written for a conference at The Substation in 1993 by Janadas Devan, now IPS Director.

P10_Book Review by Chin Ailin The State and The Arts in Singapore Policies and Institutions_150519
Book Review by Chin Ailin — “The State and The Arts in Singapore: Policies and Institutions”

Commissioned by IPS and edited by Terence Chong from the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, this book traces the course of cultural policy in Singapore from the 1950s to the present. This book review by Chin Ailin gives an overview of what the volume entails.

IPS in the News

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Copyright 2019 by Institute of Policy Studies. All Rights Reserved.

Andrew Jae Lim - Editor · Rachel Hau - Assistant Editor · Choo Kia Ming - Creative Technology Manager · Cai Dewei - Creative Technology Executive · Ariel Tan - Advisor
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