
IPS Update Issue January 2019

15 Jan 2019

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In the Spotlight

P1_IPS forum on older worker_150119This Month @ IPS

Convened together with the Tripartite Workgroup on Older Workers, the IPS Forum on Older Workers saw discussions on the reform of retirement and re-employment policy to support older workers. Photo: Founding President of Women’s Initiative for Ageing Successfully and former Nominated MP Dr Kanwaljit Soin (standing), posing a comment.


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IPS held its biennial flagship conference, the Young Singaporeans Conference, themed “Disruptions”. It brought together youths from the civil, private and tertiary sectors to discuss key disruptions in the economy, technology and the population, and to propose new ideas and opportunities that these changes bring.

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Report — Disability Community Network Roundtable III: Caregiver Support

Following two earlier roundtables on employment and education, the third roundtable of the Disability Community Network focused on caregiving and its attendant complexities. New ideas and initiatives were presented, which contribute to the wider, nascent field of support for caregivers of people with disabilities.

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Commentary — “Bicentennial can be a worthwhile endeavour"
(Channel NewsAsia)
By Professor Tan Tai Yong

"Dismissing anything that happened before 1819 as unimportant and insignificant deprives us of a heritage linked to the rich history of the region, including that of the Malay world," writes Prof. Tan Tai Yong, IPS' 6th S R Nathan Fellow and President of Yale-NUS College. Commenting on Singapore’s Bicentennial, he calls for generative discussions on Singapore’s 700 years of history, and urges Singaporeans to find personal meaning in the city-state’s extensive past.

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Commentary — “Getting the conditions right for older workers”
(The Straits Times)
By Christopher Gee and Damien Huang

IPS researchers Mr Christopher Gee and Mr Damien Huang argue that, to better support older workers in the workforce, the Government should raise CPF contribution rates for them, and peg the retirement age to health-adjusted life expectancy.

Recent Releases on the IPS Website

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Panel Reports — IPS 30th Anniversary: Diversities — New and Old

Held last year, IPS’ 30th anniversary conference featured four panels discussing topics such as structural inequality, minimum wage, and racial and religious diversity. The panel reports have been released.

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The IPS newsletter team comprises Andrew Lim, Tan Chween Tah, Choo Kia Ming, Cai Dewei, Rachel Hau and Ariel Tan. To contact us, please e-mail decb64_aXBzLnVwZGF0ZUBudXMuZWR1LnNn_decb64