
Media Briefing: IPS Report on Singaporeans’ Attitudes to National Service (2013)

8 Oct 2013


The Institute of Policy Studies at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, conducted a survey to gauge public attitudes to National Service in Singapore. This study provides insight into public perceptions of a national institution with a 46-year-old history. The information will allow an evaluation of the level of trust and support for National Service (NS), which has come to symbolise a collective journey that is entrenched in the Singaporean identity. A total of 1,251 Singapore citizens were interviewed across a period of two months (12 July – 15 September 2013). The survey asked individuals what NS means to them, tapping on their personal NS experiences. The belief in the need for NS; the level of family support for NS; perceived employers’ attitudes toward NS; perceived policy fairness; and training safety and quality of medical support in NS, are some of the issues examined. The study delves into emerging issues, in particular, the opinions regarding women and permanent residents contributing to defence. Finally, the paper examines how the NS institution can be strengthened to make servicemen feel appreciated.


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