
Singapore Perspectives 2013 "Governance"

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Singapore Perspectives 2013 will take place as IPS turns 25. For this special quarter-century edition of our flagship conference, we turn to the raison d’être of the Institute’s existence, which is governance in Singapore.

British cultural historian Raymond Williams describes any cultural system as being composed at any one time of a set of relations among dominant, residual and emergent forms: The “residual” being practices “effectively formed in the past, but is still active” in the present; the “dominant” being the effectively pre-eminent “system of meaning and values” governing our lives now; and the “emergent” being “the new meanings and values, new practices, new relationships” that are being created.

Applying this tripartite system of analysis to governance in Singapore, this conference will first examine what bearing Singapore’s political history has on governance today. It will then turn to the structures and processes of governance that are still current. What are the guiding principles of governance now? What might be said of their adequacy in the light of the growing complexity of our society and economy today? What should be retained and what should be re-shaped? Finally, the conference will turn to the shape of things to come. We will review the output of a year-long project that engaged the public for its views of how Singapore should be governed over the next decade and we will discuss what might define a resilient and responsive system of governance in 2022.

Speakers at the conference include Professor Chan Heng Chee, Professor Kishore Mahbubani and Mr Donald Low. Member of Parliament Ms Sylvia Lim, civic activist Mr Nizam Ismail and IPS Academic Panel member Mr Lee Tzu Yang. Acting Minister Lawrence Wong and Guest-of-Honour, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong complete the stellar line-up of speakers.

Please click here to view the programme.

Singapore Perspectives 2013: Conference Highlights
Singapore Perspectives 2013: Speech by Minister Lawrence Wong
Singapore Perspectives 2013: IPS Prism Survey – Presentation by Dr Gillian Koh
Singapore Perspectives 2013: Presentation by Mr Mohd Nizam Ismail
The Objectives and Outcomes of IPS Prism
IPS Prism Video

Video Highlights
Opening Remarks by Mr Janadas Devan, Director, IPS
Panel I: The Residual
Panel II: The Dominant
Panel III: The Emergent
Panel IV: Dialogue with Guest of Honour, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Media Coverage
Yahoo News. 2013. Clearly, we could have done more: PM Lee. 29 January
Yahoo News. 2013. Contain Singapore’s rich, institutionalise dissent: Donald Low. 29 January
The Straits Times. 2013. PM throws light on what led to infrastructure strain. 29 January
The Straits Times. 2013. Parties need to avoid partisan politics: Sylvia Lim. 29 January
The Straits Times. 2013. PM Lee: Good mix needed for PAP team. 29 January
The Straits Times. 2013. Meritocracy important and Govt will mitigate downsides. 29 January
The Business Times. 2013. PM Lee on governing with S’pore’s ‘swing seat’ Parliament. 29 January
TODAY. 2013. Let’s agree to disagree on gay rights: PM Lee. 29 January
TODAY. 2013. More leadership needed for better governance: Lawrence Wong. 29 January
TODAY. 2013. We did not have 20/20 foresight, says PM Lee. 29 January
联合早报. 2013. 林瑞莲:认真看待选民委托 工人党不要卷入党派政治. 29 January
联合早报. 2013. 李显龙总理: 说服有才能者从政可能更难. 29 January
联合早报. 2013. 李总理:集选区规模不会扩大. 29 January
联合早报. 2013. 陈庆珠:行动党平衡治理方针将面对”典型两难局面”. 29 January
Berita Harian. 2013. PM perjelas prasarana dan pekerja asing. 29 January
Yahoo News. 2013. Govt will go deeper into public issues: Lawrence Wong. 28 January
Yahoo News. 2013. Why WP isn’t more ‘rebel-rousing and vociferous’: Sylvia Lim. 28 January
Channel NewsAsia. 2013. PM Lee admits govt lacked 20/20 foresight. 28 January
Channel NewsAsia. 2013. Singapore’s system of meritocracy can be improved: Lawrence Wong. 28 January
Channel NewsAsia. 2013. PM Lee explains why infrastructure lagged behind population growth. 28 January

Island Ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel
Mon 28 January 2013
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM