
Seminar on ‘Study of Blogospheres in Chinese, Malay and Tamil’

In Singapore, public discourse surrounding blogs is typically tethered to English blogs of the political genre. Several of these “socio-political blogs” have gained many “eyeballs” and are well-known for their bold critiques of the government and its policies. While much of the current debate focuses on English blogs and their impact on the Singapore society, scant attention has been given to non-English blogs, specifically the Chinese, Malay and Tamil blogs.

IPS has recently completed a study to examine the contours of the Chinese, Malay and Tamil blogospheres, a first in Singapore. We will share findings on the functions and genres of these blogs, who Chinese, Malay and Tamil bloggers are, their objectives and goals for blogging, and their blogging practices.

The study provides an empirical snapshot of Chinese, Malay and Tamil blogs in their current form. This pioneering effort will serve as a record for purposes of comparison with future stages of non-English blogs’ evolution and provide a starting point for further research on their significance and contributions.

The seminar will involve policymakers, educators, academics, representatives of non-governmental and voluntary organizations, and members of the mainstream and alternative media. Chinese, Malay and Tamil bloggers have been invited to share their personal experiences at the seminar.

Please click here to view the programme.


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Conference Room (Level 1), Oei Tiong Ham Building,
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,
National University of Singapore (Bukit Timah Campus)

Wed 2 April 2014
09:30 AM - 11:30 AM