
IR Theory and China-India Relations Conference

IR Theory_Panel1

China and India are both frequently cited as rising states in the international system, which have already gained considerable power and are projected to continue their ascents in the ranks of great powers for the foreseeable future. What does the simultaneous rise of China and India relative to the West, coupled with China’s prospective decline relative to India in the long term, mean for the Sino-Indian bilateral relationship, the Asia-Pacific region, and the global international order? Sino-Indian relations have been subjected to very little inquiry using rigorous theory. This conference is designed to address the theoretical lacunae in the literature on China-India relations by bringing together leading international relations theorists and experts on Chinese and Indian foreign policy. In aggregation, the conference papers aim to advance novel explanations for empirical puzzles in China-India relations, generalize from these explanations to advance new developments in IR theory, and derive prescriptions and predictions for contemporary policy makers.

8:00-8:10am Opening remarks

  • Kanti Bajpai, Wilmar Professor of Asian Studies and Director, Centre on Asia and Globalisation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
  • Brandon Yoder, Lecturer (Assistant Professor), College of Arts and Social Science, ANU, and Adjunct Research Fellow, Centre on Asia and Globalisation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore 

8:00-10:00am: Cooperation, Coercion, and Rivalry
Moderator: Brandon Yoder, Australian National University

  • Balancing, Threats & Wedges in International Political Economy: The Origins and Impact of the Sino-Indian Alliance at the WTO
    Kristen Hopewell, University of British Columbia
  • Sino-Indian Rivalry and Balance of Power Theory: Explaining India’s Underbalancing
    TV Paul, McGill University
  • The Status Dilemma in China-India Relations
    Xiaoyu Pu, University of Nevada, Reno
  • China-India Face-offs: How Does Reputation Matter?
    Deepa Ollapally, George Washington University
  • Explaining Chinese Military Coercion in Sino-Indian Border Disputes
    Ketian Zhang, George Mason University

Discussants: Rohan Mukherjee (Yale-NUS College), Chin-Hao Huang (Yale-NUS College)

9:00-10:30pm: Norms, Ideas & Order I
Moderator: Kanti Bajpai, National University of Singapore

  • Rising Powers and Normative Resistance: China, India and the Responsibility to Protect
    Courtney Fung, University of Hong Kong
  • Emerging Powers and Humanitarian Assistance: New Donors or Old Partners 
    Lina Gong, Nanyang Technological University
  • Thin Air Coalition? India, China, and Climate Leadership
    Marina Kaneti, National University of Singapore

Discussant: Steven Oliver (Yale NUS College)

10:30pm-12 midnight: Norms, Ideas & Order II
Moderator: Kanti Bajpai, National University of Singapore

  • Shadow Realism: The India-China Strategic Rivalry
    Rajesh Basrur, Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)
  • A Bounded Rivalry? Consociational Security and India-China Relations
    Amitav Acharya, American University
  • Time to Rise? On the Temporality of China’s and India’s Emergence as Great Powers
    Peter Marcus Kristensen, University of Copenhagen

Discussant: Yuen Foong Khong (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS)

Zoom Conference
Mon 21 June 2021 - Tue 22 June 2021
08:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Prof. Kristen Hopewell

Prof. Kristen Hopewell

Canada Research Chair in Global Policy, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia

Prof. TV Paul

Prof. TV Paul

James McGill Professor of International Relations, McGill University

Prof. Xiaoyu Pu

Prof. Xiaoyu Pu

Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada, Reno

Prof. Deepa Ollapally

Prof. Deepa Ollapally

Research Professor of International Affairs; Associate Director, Sigur Center for Asian Studies, Elliot School of International Affairs

Dr. Ketian Zhang

Dr. Ketian Zhang

Assistant Professor of International Security, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University

Prof. Courtney J. Fung

Prof. Courtney J. Fung

Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong

Dr. Lina Gong

Dr. Lina Gong

Research Fellow, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Programme, Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University

Dr. Marina Kaneti

Dr. Marina Kaneti

Assistant Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

Dr. Rajesh Basrur

Dr. Rajesh Basrur

Senior Fellow, South Asia Programme, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University

Prof. Amitav Acharya

Prof. Amitav Acharya

Distinguished Professor, School of International Service, American University

Prof. Peter Marcus Kristensen

Prof. Peter Marcus Kristensen

Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

Prof. Kanti Bajpai

Prof. Kanti Bajpai

Director, Centre on Asia and Globalisation; and Wilmar Professor of Asian Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore