
IPS Conference on Integration

In 2011, IPS embarked on a study of the current state of relations between local-born and foreign-born Singaporeans, as well as between Singaporeans and foreigners generally. The team studied integration in the workplace, schools and neighbourhoods; conducted a survey of 2000 local-born and foreign-born Singaporeans on their attitudes towards each other; and analysed how the media has portrayed immigration and immigrants.

We are convening this conference to publicise our findings, and to enable various stakeholders to offer their views on integration and suggestions to improve it. We will be inviting the participation of representatives of organisations concerned with social cohesion, community development, immigration and foreign-local integration. The event will be open to the media.

Please click here to view the programme.


Media Coverage

Ballroom 1 & 2 (Level 3), Orchard Hotel Singapore
Mon 21 May 2012
09:00 AM - 05:30 PM