In December 2017, IPS released survey data that indicated that social ties across people of different housing and education background are relatively few in number – suggesting that there is a class divide in social mixing among Singaporeans.
Among other findings of note were first, that diversity in social networks strengthens collective identities of national pride, identity and trust across society; and second, that the platforms that robustly foster diversity in social networks are education, sporting and cultural activities, and volunteerism.
This discussion will invite expert and stakeholder views on the study as well as gather suggestions on how we can foster and strengthen social networks that can generate pro-social outcomes to benefit individuals, community and broader Singaporean society.
Associate Professors Tan Ern Ser and Vincent Chua, both of the Department of Sociology at the National University of Singapore, and two of the three researchers behind the IPS study as well as Ms Lydia Lim of The Straits Times will speak to kick-off the discussion.
The report on the study can be found here, and an opinion essay by Ms Lim on the topic of social mixing can be found here.
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