Closed Door

Closed-Door Discussion on The Sharing Economy in Singapore

The Committee of the Future Economy (CFE) will be rolling out its strategies and recommendations to develop Singapore’s economy in the long term. These recommendations will almost certainly be affected by global phenomena such as the sharing economy. The sharing economy has already disrupted traditional business models, most notably in the accommodation and transport sectors due to companies such as Grab, Uber and Airbnb. However, other sectors are not immune to its impact, and there will likely be further disruption to existing business models in other industries. During the IPS-CFE Conference in July 2016, it was mentioned that regulations should be administered with a light touch with the aim of enabling instead of controlling transactions. Surrounding this premise are several issues, such as over or under-regulation, inclusion, and the idea of how economic stimulus should be applied in Singapore.

In this closed-door discussion panel, Professor Francis Yeoh from the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore will speak on the potential impact of the Sharing Economy. Professor Costas Courcoubetis from the Initiative of Sharing Economy Research at the Singapore University of Technology and Design will share the findings from his research on Shared Mobility, and its implications on welfare, platform revenue and ownership. Also present will be a corporate representative, who will speak on the operational challenges and potential of the sharing economy for businesses. Moderating the discussion is IPS Adjunct Senior Research Fellow Mr Manu Bhaskaran.


Seminar Room 2-3 (Level 2), Manasseh Meyer Building,
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,
National University of Singapore (Bukit Timah Campus)

Fri 24 February 2017
02:30 PM - 05:30 PM