School Research Seminar

Building a Concept of Public Integrity

This paper presents a novel conception of public integrity. It is not reducible to merely being the absence of corruption and applies to institutions rather than individuals. On this view, ‘public integrity’ is the evidenced disposition of an institution, through its constitutive parts, to legitimately cohere to its legitimate purpose, robustly across time and circumstance. This paper first, establishes its methodology; secondly, outlines four flaws common to current conceptions of integrity; thirdly, sets out five key components of the novel conception; and, finally, establishes its key advantages.
Seminar Room 2-2,
Level 2, Manasseh Meyer,
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,
National University of Singapore

Mon 12 February 2018
12:15 PM - 01:30 PM

Dr. Nikolas Kirby

Dr. Nikolas Kirby

Research fellow Blavatnik School of Government

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Zeger Van Der Wal

Zeger Van Der Wal

Associate Professor, LKYSPP