School Research Seminar

Co-Governance through Citizen’s Panels

Governments around the world are moving away from a closed-model to an open-model of governance, where they involve citizens during the early stages of policymaking. In many countries, governments are experimenting with new ways of public engagement. In 2019, the Singapore government launched the Singapore Together movement and has since launched different initiatives to work with citizens in co-creating and co-implementing solutions to pressing policy problems. 

The Citizens’ Panel is a form of public engagement that is designed based on deliberative principles. Since 2017, the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) has been working with various partners on Citizens’ Panels that address a wide range of policy issues, such as combatting diabetes, promoting recycling, improving work-life harmony, and strengthening mental resilience among youth in Singapore. 

During the Citizens’ Panel, participants from diverse backgrounds come together to deliberate on a policy problem and develop solutions. The entire engagement process is designed to meet key criteria of inclusiveness, fairness, and gains in efficacy and knowledge among participants.

This session focuses on these critical questions: What is the impact of Citizens’ Panels and what are some challenges in engaging the public through such a process? How can we better design Citizens’ Panels to meaningfully engage citizens from different backgrounds? How can we make Citizens’ Panels more sustainable for the long term?

Find out more about the Festival of Ideas by clicking here and for enquiries, please contact LKYSPP Events Team via email: decb64_bGt5c3BwLWZvaUBudXMuZWR1LnNn_decb64
Seminar Room 1-2,
Li Ka Shing Building,
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy 
Thu 13 October 2022
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Dr Carol Soon

Dr Carol Soon

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Society & Culture Department, Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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Ms Nandhini Bala Krishnan

Ms Nandhini Bala Krishnan

Research Assistant, Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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Ms Beverly Tan Hui Ru

Ms Beverly Tan Hui Ru

Research Assistant, Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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