
A Tribute to Professor Ooi Giok Ling

A year on, the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) is organizing a forum in memory of the late Prof Ooi Giok Ling. This forum will consist of a series of personal tributes from her friends and colleagues remembering her, followed by a panel discussion on “Cities and Sustainability”. 

Please click here to view the programme.

About Ooi Giok Ling

prof_ooi_giok_lingProf Ooi Giok Ling joined IPS as one of its first Research Fellows in 1989 after leaving her research position at the Housing and Development Board. A year later, she was promoted to Senior Research Fellow where she spent close to 13 years at IPS leading research in Urban and Environmental Studies. Prof Ooi was concurrently seconded to the Research Division at the Ministry of Home Affairs as its Director from 1995-1997. She had wide-ranging interests from fostering a vibrant civil society to improving the use of urban and civic spaces. Her dedication to research was reflected in key projects like the publication of State-Society Relations in Singapore with Dr Gillian Koh, Senior Research Fellow at IPS, and her editing of proceedings of the first World Conference which was later published in Model Cities: Urban Best Practices (Volumes 1 and 2). 

In 2003, Prof Ooi returned to teaching with her appointment as Associate Professor at the then newly-formed Humanities and Social Sciences Education Department at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, where she was subsequently promoted to Professor in 2006. She was also the President of the Southeast Asian Geography Association from 2006 until her passing. While in NTU, Prof Ooi continued her association with IPS as an Adjunct Professiorial Fellow and, in this capacity, devised the first IPS Urban Sustainable Development Index and embarked on a book project on citizenship, civic spaces and the city. An urban geographer at heart, Prof Ooi was dedicated to researching on how cities may be made liveable. Among her other works are Sustainability and Cities: Concept and Assessment (2005), which she wrote, and World Cities: Achieving Liveability and Vibrancy, which she co-edited and was published this year.

Full Text of Speeches


Ballroom 3 (Level 3), Orchard Hotel Singapore

Tue 5 October 2010
03:00 PM - 05:30 PM