Benjamin William CASHORE

Benjamin William CASHORE

Benjamin William CASHORE

Li Ka Shing Professor in Public Management and Director, Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)

PhD, University of Toronto

Ben Cashore specialises in global and multi-level environmental governance, comparative public policy and administration, and transnational business regulation/corporate social responsibility. His substantive research interests include climate policy, biodiversity conservation/land use change, and sustainable environmental management of forests and related agricultural sectors. His geographic focus includes Southeast Asia, North America, Latin America and Europe.

Ben’s theoretical interests include the legitimacy and authority requirements of non-state market driven (NSMD) global governance, the influence of economic globalisation on domestic environmental policies, and the potential of anticipatory policy design for identifying path dependent policy mixes capable of ameliorating “super wicked” environmental problems. He integrates his theoretical and empirical research around two key themes:

1) developing and managing problem oriented multi-stakeholder policy learning processes

2) strategies for nurturing multiple step policy pathways

Ben joined LKYSPP after spending 18 years at Yale University as a professor of environmental governance and political science, where he also directed the Governance, Environment and Markets (GEM) initiative and, from 2014-2019, directed the Yale International Fox Fellows exchange program which awards promising graduate students in 18 partner universities. Ben was born and raised in British Columbia, Canada. His PhD is from the University of Toronto and he undertook postdoctoral research at Harvard University and the University of British Columbia. He worked for three years in Ottawa, Canada as a policy advisor to the leader of the Canadian New Democratic Party.  

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  • Comparative Policy Analysis

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Environment and climate change

  • Global Environmental Governance

  • Private Governance

  • Public Management

  • Environmental and Natural Resource Policy: Strategies for Managing Commons and Super Wicked Problems
  • PP 5227 Specialization: Politics and International Affairs/Management and Leadership.




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