WU, Alfred Muluan

WU, Alfred Muluan

WU, Alfred Muluan

Associate Professor

Wu Alfred Muluan is Associate Professor in Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at National University of Singapore. He earned his PhD from City University of Hong Kong, where he was the recipient of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship and the Outstanding Academic Performance Awards for Research Degree Students. He previously served as an associate professor in the Department of Asian and Policy Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong, a senior research associate in the Department of Public and Social Administration at City University of Hong Kong, and from 2000-2007 a senior journalist in Mainland China, where he received over a dozen awards and honours for outstanding journalism both from Chinese and overseas organizations.

His research interests include public sector reform, central-local fiscal relations, corruption and governance, and social protection in Greater China.  He has been engaged in funded research projects with support from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and the Central Policy Unit of The Hong Kong SAR Government. 

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  • Central-local fiscal relations

  • Corruption and governance

  • Public sector reform

  • Social protection in Greater China


Authored Book


Journal Articles

  • Fiscal Decentralization, Equalization, and Intra-Provincial Inequality in China
    Liu, Yongzheng, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, and Alfred M. Wu. 2017. Fiscal Decentralization, Equalization, and Intra-Provincial Inequality in China. International Tax and Public Finance 24(2): 248-281
  • Public Attitudes toward Income Redistribution: Evidence from Hong Kong
    Wu, Alfred M., and Kee-Lee Chou. 2017. Public Attitudes toward Income Redistribution: Evidence from Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 51(5):738–754
  • The dynamics of the city-managing-county model in China: Implications for rural–urban interaction
    Yang, Zhenjie, and Alfred M. Wu. 2015. The dynamics of the city-managing-county model in China: Implications for rural–urban interaction. Environment and Urbanization 27 (1): 327–42.
  • Perceived retirement savings adequacy in Hong Kong: An interdisciplinary financial planning model
    Chou, Kee-Lee, Kar-Ming Yu, Wai-Sum Chan, Alfred M. Wu, Alex Y. F. Zhu, and Vivian W. Q. Lou. 2015. Perceived retirement savings adequacy in Hong Kong: An interdisciplinary financial planning model. Ageing and Society 35:1565–1586.
  • Urbanization, land development, and land financing: Evidence from Chinese cities
    Ye, Lin, and Alfred M. Wu. 2014. Urbanization, land development, and land financing: Evidence from Chinese cities. Journal of Urban Affairs 36(S1):354–368.
  • Poverty Reduction in Urban China: The Impact of Cash Transfers
    Wu, Alfred M., and M Ramesh. 2014. Poverty Reduction in Urban China: The Impact of Cash Transfers. Social Policy and Society 13(2):285–299.
  • Determinants of Expenditure Decentralization: Evidence from China
    Wu, Alfred M., and Wen Wang. 2013. Determinants of Expenditure Decentralization: Evidence from China. World Development 46:176–184.
  • How does Decentralized Governance Work? Evidence from China
    Wu, Alfred M. 2013. How does Decentralized Governance Work? Evidence from China. Journal of Contemporary China 22(81):379–393.
  • Fiscal federalism: A refined theory and its application in the Chinese context
    Feng, Xingyuan, Christer Ljungwall, Sujian Guo, and Alfred M. Wu. 2013. Fiscal federalism: A refined theory and its application in the Chinese context. Journal of Contemporary China 22(82):573–593.
  • Determinants of Government Size: Evidence from China
    Wu, Alfred M., and Mi Lin. 2012. Determinants of Government Size: Evidence from China. Public Choice 151 (1): 255-270.


  • Central Mandates in Flux: An Empirical Study of Local Noncompliance in China
    Gong, Ting, and Alfred M. Wu. 2012. Central Mandates in Flux: An Empirical Study of Local Noncompliance in China. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 42 (2): 313-333.
  • Does Increased Civil Service Pay Deter Corruption? Evidence from China
    Gong, Ting, and Alfred M. Wu. 2012. Does Increased Civil Service Pay Deter Corruption? Evidence from China. Review of Public Personnel Administration 32 (2): 192–204.
  • The Equal Pay Policy in China: A Preliminary Assessment
    Wu, Alfred M. 2012. The Equal Pay Policy in China: A Preliminary Assessment. The Journal of Comparative Asian Development 11 (2): 248-270.
  • Economic Miracle and Upward Accountability: A Preliminary Evaluation of Chinese Style of Fiscal Decentralization

    Wu, Alfred M. 2012. Economic Miracle and Upward Accountability: A Preliminary Evaluation of Chinese Style of Fiscal Decentralization. Asian Review of Public Administration 23: 104-120.
  • Economic and Social Transition in China: Rhetoric or Reality?

    Wu, Alfred M., and Ji Weiwei. 2013. Economic and Social Transition in China: Rhetoric or Reality? Twenty-First Century 139: 38-49 (Chinese University of Hong Kong, in Chinese).
  • The Impact of China’s Fiscal Decentralization on Health Outcomes

    Peng, Haoran, Meng Xing, and Alfred M. Wu. 2013. The Impact of China’s Fiscal Decentralization on Health Outcomes. Finance and Trade Economics, 384 (11): 33-44 (in Chinese, CSSCI).
  • A Research Report on China’s Corruption Cases during 2000- 2009: Empirical analysis of some 2800 corruption cases

    Gong, Ting, and Alfred M. Wu. 2012. “A Research Report on China’s Corruption Cases during 2000- 2009: Empirical analysis of some 2800 corruption cases”. Sociological Studies 4: 204-220 (in Chinese, CSSCI).
  • Does a Combination of Decentralization and Centralized Control Work? An Analysis of Civil Service Remuneration in China.

    Wu, Alfred M. 2011. Does a Combination of Decentralization and Centralized Control Work? An Analysis of Civil Service Remuneration in China. Open Times 6: 70-82 (in Chinese, CSSCI).
  • Intergovernmental Mandates in the US: A Critical Survey of Recent Scholarly Debate

    Wu, Alfred M. 2010. Intergovernmental Mandates in the US: A Critical Survey of Recent Scholarly Debate. Comparative Economic and Social Systems 5: 113-121 (in Chinese, CSSCI).
  • Broadbanding in Public Sector Remuneration: A Comparative Study

    Wu, Alfred M. 2010. Broadbanding in Public Sector Remuneration: A Comparative Study. Chinese Public Administration 2: 71-76 (in Chinese, CSSCI). 
  • Leapfrog in Public Sector Reform: Examining Water Privatization in China.

    Wu, Alfred M. 2010. Leapfrog in Public Sector Reform: Examining Water Privatization in China. Theory and Reform 2: 85-89 (in Chinese, CSSCI).
  • Chinese Civil Service Remuneration: A Policy Implementation Perspective

    Wu, Alfred M. 2009. Chinese Civil Service Remuneration: A Policy Implementation Perspective. Journal of Public Management 6 (3): 32-39 in Chinese, CSSCI).
  • A Road to State Capitalism—A Review of China’s Large State-owned Enterprises Reform

    Wu, Alfred M. 2008. A Road to State Capitalism—A Review of China’s Large State-owned Enterprises Reform. Twenty-First Century 110: 24-35 (Chinese University of Hong Kong, in Chinese). 
Name and designation

IES Affiliate Researchers

Andreas Raharso,
Executive Fellow and Next Practice Expert, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
Victor Nian,
Founding Co-Chairman of the Centre for Strategic Energy and Resources (CSER)
Angel Hsu,
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Charlotte Halpern,
FNSP Tenured Researcher, Sciences Po
Chris Elliott
Environmental Consultant, Institute for Environment and Sustainability
David Kaimowitz
Chief Program Officer, International Land and Forest Tenure Facility
Frank Bierman
Professor, Utrecht University
Ishani Mukherjee
Associate Professor, Singapore Management University
Janice Ser Huay Lee
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Jeff Sayer
Professor, University of British Columbia
Kate Macdonald
Associate Professor, University of Melbourne
Katharine Rietig
Professor, Newcastle University
Lahiru Wijedasa
Asia Forest Coordinator, BirdLife International
Mely Caballero Anthony
Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Meng-Hsuan Chou
Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Scott Valentine
Professor, Kyushu University
RHEE, Steve
Practitioner of International Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Jalan Pengembak No. 19 Sanur, Bali, Indonesia
FAN Mingxuan
Assistant Professor, 15 Kent Ridge Drive Mochtar Riady Building #7-52
Alvaro Artigas
Associate researcher, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics Sciences Po