TAN, Soo Jie Sheng

TAN, Soo Jie Sheng

TAN, Soo Jie Sheng

Assistant Professor

Jie-Sheng Tan-Soo is an Assistant Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. He received his PhD in Environmental Policy from the Nicholas School of the Environment and Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. His research interests are broadly in the intersection of environment, health, and development. Some of the topics he has worked on are indoor air pollution from usage of biomass fuels and inefficient stoves, industrial pollution in China, air quality valuation, impact evaluation of water and sanitation interventions, ecosystem services provided by tropical forests. While the topics are interdisciplinary, he mainly uses microeconometrics techniques in combination with economic modeling to conduct empirical research. 

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  • Ecosystem services valuation

  • Global environmental health and development

  • Pollution regulation in China


Journal Articles

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