KANETI, Marina Jose

KANETI, Marina Jose

KANETI, Marina Jose

Assistant Professor

PhD (Political Theory, Global Studies), New School for Social Research, New York

Dr. Marina Kaneti is Assistant Professor at the LKY School of Public Policy. She specializes in questions of global development, including the Chinese Belt and Road, migration, and environmental governance.

 In addition to journal publications pertaining to global governance issues, Dr. Kaneti has curated a digital platform documenting ancient and modern interactions along the Silk and Spice Routes, and the geopolitical impact of the Belt Road initiative. The “Visual Archives of the Silk and Spice Routes,” funded by a NUS Start-up grant and Ford Foundation fellowship, contains 7000+ images, stories, and short movies.

 To capture the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Kaneti is also developing an index on social protection mechanisms and emergency preparedness in Southeast Asia.

 Dr. Kaneti is the recipient of the 2021 NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award and the 2021 LKYSPP Digital Educator Award.

Prior to her academic career, Dr Kaneti worked as project manager for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and equity trader on Wall Street. She occasionally engages as a strategy consultant for non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and think tanks.

Visit her research on Google Scholar | Scopus | ORCID account | YouTube 
  • Global Governance

  • Migration and Immigration

  • Political Agency

  • Visual Politics

  • Corporate Responsibility

  • Migration Immigration (mainly USA and Europe)

  • Sustainable Development


Journal Articles


Book Chapter



  • Walking with Disaster
    Marina Kaneti. "Walking with Disaster" Public Seminar: an intellectual commons for analysis, critique and debate, 24 Aug 2016



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