UNESCO Chair of Social Policy Design in Asia


Ramesh is Professor and UNESCO Chair on Social Policy Design in Asia. Previously, he was the Founding Head of the Department of Asian and Policy at the Hong Kong Institute of Education; Professor of Social Policy at the University of Hong Kong; and Chair of the Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney. Specialising in public policy and governance in Asia with a particular focus on social policy, Ramesh has authored and edited several  dozen  books and journal articles . He is the founder and editor of highly ranked journals Policy and Society and  Policy Design and Practice as well as the acclaimed series Cambridge Elements in Public Policy.  He is currently the President of the International Public Policy Association.

Visit him on Google Scholar | Scopus
  • Policy and Governance Design

  • Social Policy In Asia: Health, Education, Pensions

  • Social policy in East and Southeast Asia

  • Asian Pacific Politics
  • Comparative Public Policy
  • Economic and Social Policies in East Asia
  • Globalisation and Public Policy


Authored Books

  • The Public Policy Primer: Managing the Policy Process

    Xun, M Ramesh, M Howlett, Scott Fritzen, The Public Policy Primer: Managing the Policy Process, Routledge, 2010.
  • Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystem

    Michael Howlett, M Ramesh, and Anthony Perl,Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems, 3rd edition, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2008, 310 p.
  • Social Policy in East and Southeast Asia: Education, Health, Housing, and Income Maintenance

    M Ramesh, Social Policy in East and Southeast Asia: Education, Health, Housing, and Income Maintenance, London: Routledge, January 2004, 230 p.
  • Welfare Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Social Security, Health and Education Policie

    M Ramesh, Welfare Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Social Security, Health and Education Policies, one chapter with Mukul Asher, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000, 208 p.


Edited Books

  • Varieties of Governance Dynamics, Strategies, Capacities

    Giliberto Capano, Michael Howlett, M. Ramesh (eds.) Varieties of Governance Dynamics, Strategies, Capacities, 2015, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Routledge Handbook of Public Policy

    Eduardo Araral, Scott Fritzen, Michael Howlett, M. Ramesh (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Public Policy, 2013 Routledge.
  • Infrastructure Regulations: What Works and Why

    Darryl Jarvis, M Ramesh, Eduardo Araral, Xun Wu (2011). Infrastructure Regulations: What Works and Why. Singapore: Singapore: World Scientific. 
  • Reasserting the Public in Public Services

    M Ramesh, Eduardo Araral, Wu Xun (Eds) Reasserting the Public in Public Services, Routledge, January 2010.
  • Transforming Asian Governance: Rethinking Assumptions

    M Ramesh and Scott Fritzen (Eds.), Transforming Asian Governance: Rethinking Assumptions, Challenging Practices, Routledge, 2008.
  • Transforming Asian Governance: Rethinking Assumptions, Challenging Practices

    Fritzen, Scott and M Ramesh (eds.),Transforming Asian Governance: Rethinking Assumptions, Challenging Practices, Routledge, 2008.
  • Deregulation and Its Discontents: Rewriting the Rules in Asia

    M Ramesh and Michael Howlett (Eds.), Deregulation and Its Discontents: Rewriting the Rules in Asia. Co-Editor: Michael Howlett. Edward Elgar. 2006. 


Journal Articles

  • Healthcare Reforms in India: Getting it Wrong

    Azad S Bali and M Ramesh, “Healthcare Reforms in India: Getting it Wrong” Public Policy and Administration, forthcoming.
  • The Achilles Heel of Governance: Critical Capacity Deficits and Their Role in Governance Failures

    M. Howlett and M Ramesh, “The Achilles Heel of Governance: Critical Capacity Deficits and Their Role in Governance Failures,” Regulation & Governance, published early online.
  • Mark Time: India’s March to Universal Healthcare Coverage

    Azad S Bali and M Ramesh, “Mark Time: India’s March to Universal Healthcare Coverage” Social Policy and Administration, forthcoming.

  • Poverty Reduction In Urban China: The Impact Of Cash Transfers

    Alfred Wu and M Ramesh, “Poverty Reduction In Urban China: The Impact Of Cash Transfers”, Social Policy and Society, 2014, 13: 2, pp. 285-299.
  • From Governance to Governing? The Post-Governance Debate on the Role of Government

    Capano, G, Michael P and M Ramesh*, “From Governance to Governing? The Post-Governance Debate on the Role of Government”. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 2014.
  • Second Best Governance? Governments and Governance in the Imperfect World of Health Care Delivery in China, India and Thailand

    M Ramesh, Wu Xun, and Michael Howlett, “Second Best Governance? Governments and Governance in the Imperfect World of Health Care Delivery in China, India and Thailand”, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. Accepted 2014. DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2014.889903
  • Market imperfections, government imperfections, and policy mixes: policy innovations in Singapore

    Xun Wu and M. Ramesh. “Market imperfections, government imperfections, and policy mixes: policy innovations in Singapore” Policy Sciences, 2014, 47: 3, pp. 305-320.
  • Social Protection in Indonesia And The Philippines: Work In Progress, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies

    M Ramesh, Social Protection in Indonesia And The Philippines: Work In Progress, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 2014, 31: 1, pp. 40-56. 
  • The two orders of governance failure: Design mismatches and policy capacity issues in modern governance

    M. Howlett and M Ramesh, “The two orders of governance failure: Design mismatches and policy capacity issues in modern governance”, Policy and Society, 2014, 33: 4, pp. 317-327.
  • Health Care Reforms in Hong Kong: Politics of Liberal Non-Democracy

    M Ramesh, “Health Care Reforms in Hong Kong: Politics of Liberal Non-Democracy”, Pacific Review, 25: 4, 2013, pp. 455-471.
  • Health Governance and Health Care Reforms in China

    M Ramesh, Wu Xun and Alex He, “Health Governance and Health Care Reforms in China” Health Policy and Planning, Published online 2013, doi: 10.1093/heapol/czs109.
  • Health Care Reforms in Vietnam: Chasing Shadows

    M Ramesh, “Decentralization in Asia: Survey”, Policy and Society, 2013, 32: 1, pp. 1-5. § M Ramesh, “Health Care Reforms in Vietnam: Chasing Shadows”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2013, 43: 3, pp. 399-412 .
  • Citizenship and Governance

    M Ramesh, “Citizenship and Governance”, Public Organization Review, 2012, 12: 3, pp. pp. 251-254.
  • Health Policy Reform in China: Lessons from Asia

    M Ramesh and Wu Xun, “Health Policy Reform in China: Lessons from Asia”, Social Science and Medicine, 68: 12, 2009, pp.2256-2262.
  • Healthcare Reforms in Developing Countries: Potentials and Realities

    Wu Xun and M Ramesh, “Healthcare Reforms in Developing Countries: Potentials and Realities” Development and Change, 40: 3, 2009, pp. 531-549.
  • Economic Crisis and its Social Impacts: Lessons from the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis

    M. Ramesh, “Economic Crisis and its Social Impacts: Lessons from the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis”, Global Social Policy, 2009, 9: 1, pp. 79-99.
  • Reasserting the role of the state in the healthcare sector: Lessons from Asia

    M Ramesh, “Reasserting the role of the state in the healthcare sector: Lessons from Asia”, Policy and Society, 27: 2, 2008, pp. 99-101.
  • Competition and Control in Public Hospital Reforms in Singapore

    M Ramesh, “Competition and Control in Public Hospital Reforms in Singapore, American Review of Public Administration, 38: 1, 2008, pp. 62-79.
  • Realigning Public and Private Health Care in Southeast Asia

    M Ramesh and Wu Xun, “Realigning Public and Private Health Care in Southeast Asia”. Pacific Review, 21: 2, 2008, pp. 171–187.
  • Globalization and the Choice of Governing Instruments: The Direct, Indirect and Opportunity Effects of Internationalization

    Michael Howlett and M Ramesh, “Globalization and the Choice of Governing Instruments: The Direct, Indirect and Opportunity Effects of Internationalization”, International Public Management Journal, 8: 3, 2006, pp. 175-194.
  • Neuorientierung des Verhaltnisses offentlicher und privater Trager der Gesundheitsversorgung in Sudostasien

    M Ramesh and Wu Xun, “Neuorientierung des Verhaltnisses offentlicher und privater Trager der Gesundheitsversorgung in Sudostasien”, Focus ASIEN, 23. 1, 2006, pp. 23-34.
  • Review: Issues in Globalisation and Social Welfare in Asia

    M Ramesh, “Review: Issues in Globalisation and Social Welfare in Asia”, Social Policy and Society, 3: 3, 2004, pp. 321-327.
  • Health Policy in the Asian NIEs

    M Ramesh, “Health Policy in the Asian NIEs” Social Policy and Administration, 37: 4, 2003, pp. 361-75.
  • Globalisation Makes of States What States Make of It: Between Agency and Structure in the State/Globalisation Debate

    John Hobson and M Ramesh, “Globalisation Makes of States What States Make of It: Between Agency and Structure in the State/Globalisation Debate’, New Political Economy, 7: 1, 2002, pp. 5-22.
  • The Policy Effects of Internationalization: A Subsystem Adjustment Analysis of Policy Change

    Michael Howlett and M Ramesh, ‘The Policy Effects of Internationalization: A Subsystem Adjustment Analysis of Policy Change’, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, , 4: 1, 2002, pp. 31-50.
  • Privatization of Social Security in Southeast Asia

    M Ramesh, “Privatization of Social Security in Southeast Asia”, The Review of Policy Research, 19: 3, 2002, pp. 141-160.
  • The Health Care Miracle in Southeast Asia: Activist State Provision in Post-Colonial Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore

    M Ramesh and Ian Holliday, “The Health Care Miracle in Southeast Asia: Activist State Provision in Post-Colonial Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore” Journal of Social Policy, 30: 4, 2001, pp. 637-652.
  • Compulsory Savings in Hong Kong: Lessons from Singapore

    M Ramesh, “Compulsory Savings in Hong Kong: Lessons from Singapore”, Public Administration and Policy, 10: 1, 2001, pp. 21-31.
  • The Politics of Social Security in Singapore

    M Ramesh, “The Politics of Social Security in Singapore”, Pacific Review, 13: 1, 2000, pp. 242-253
  • The State and Social Security in Indonesia and Thailand

    M Ramesh, “The State and Social Security in Indonesia and Thailand”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 30: 4, 2000, pp. 534-46.


Book Chapters

  • Healthcare Reforms in Thailand: Rethinking Conventional Wisdom

    M Ramesh, “Healthcare Reforms in Thailand: Rethinking Conventional Wisdom”. In Scott Fritzen and M Ramesh (Eds.), Transforming Asian Governance, Routledge. 2008. 
  • Social Policy in East Asia

    M Ramesh, “Social Policy in East Asia”, in Mark Beeson and Richard Stubbs (eds.)Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism, London: Routledge, 2012, pp. 200-215.
  • Governing Health Care in an Imperfect World: Hierarchy, Markets, And Networks In China And Thailand”

    M. Ramesh, Wu Xun and Michael Howlett “Governing Health Care in an Imperfect World: Hierarchy, Markets, And Networks In China And Thailand”, in Giliberto Capano, Michael Howlett, M. Ramesh (eds.) Varieties of Governance Dynamics, Strategies, Capacities, 2015, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Re-Thinking Governance in Public Policy. Dynamics, Strategy and Capacities

    Book Chapters Giliberto Capano, Michael Howlett and M. Ramesh, “Re-Thinking Governance in Public Policy. Dynamics, Strategy and Capacities” in Giliberto Capano, Michael Howlett, M. Ramesh (eds.) Varieties of Governance: Dynamics, Strategies, Capacities, 2015, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Medical savings accounts in Singapore: Medisave and its policy context

    Mukul Asher and M Ramesh, “Medical savings accounts in Singapore: Medisave and its policy context”, in Sarah Cook (ed.), Private Health Insurance and Medical Savings Accounts, Cambridge University Press. 2014 forthcoming.
  • Social safety nets in Indonesia and the Philippines

    M Ramesh, “Social safety nets in Indonesia and the Philippines”, in Shiladitya Chatterjee (ed.) Ending Asian Deprivations, Abingdon: Routledge pp. 243-258.
  • Patterns of Health Care Reforms in Asia

    M Ramesh, “Patterns of Health Care Reforms in Asia”, in Law C. K. (ed.) Health systems: challenges, visions and reforms from a comparative global perspective, Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2013, pp. 309-330.
  • Global Economic Crisis and Social Security in Southeast Asia

    M Ramesh, “Global Economic Crisis and Social Security in Southeast Asia” in In Aris Ananta and Richard Barichello (eds.) Poverty and Global Recession in Southeast Asia,. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2012, pp. 45-80.
  • Policy Change in International Organizations: The World Bank and Pension Reforms

    M Ramesh, “Policy Change in International Organizations: The World Bank and Pension Reforms<”, In Giliberto Capano and Michael Howlett (eds.) Policy Change in Europe and North America: Policy Drivers and Policy Dynamics, Routledge, 2009.
  • Public Management Reforms in Hong Kong and Singapore: The Case of Public Hospitals

    M Ramesh, “Public Management Reforms in Hong Kong and Singapore: The Case of Public Hospitals”. In Ka Ho Mok and Ray Forrest (eds.) Changing Governance and Public Policy in East Asia, Routledge, 2008.
  • Health Policy in Singapore

    M Ramesh, “Health Policy in Singapore”. In J. Rabin, J. and Aaron Wachhaus; (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, New York: Taylor and Francis, 2006. 
  • The World Bank and Pension Reforms”. In Diane Stone and Chris Wright

    M Ramesh, “The World Bank and Pension Reforms”. In Diane Stone and Chris Wright (eds.) The World Bank’s Decade of Reform and Reaction, Routledge, 2006.
  • Globalisation and National Regulations: Race to the Bottom, Top, and Middle

    M Ramesh, “Globalisation and National Regulations: Race to the Bottom, Top, and Middle”, M Ramesh and Michael Howlett (Eds) Deregulation and Its Discontents: Rewriting the Rules in Asia,. Edward Elgar. 2006.
  • “Malaysian Health Policy in Comparative Perspective

    M Ramesh,“Malaysian Health Policy in Comparative Perspective”, Chee Heng Leng (ed.) Paying for Health: Financing and Access in Malaysian Healthcare, London: Routledge, forthcoming 2006.
  • One and a Half Cheers for Provident Funds in Malaysia and Singapore

    M Ramesh, “One and a Half Cheers for Provident Funds in Malaysia and Singapore”, Huck-Ju Kwon (ed.), Transforming the Developmental Welfare State in East Asia, Houndmills: Palgrave, 2004.
  • Social Policies as Collective Goods: Malaysia and Singapore

    M Ramesh, "Social Policies as Collective Goods: Malaysia and Singapore”. In Sally Sargeson (ed.), Shaping Common Futures: Collective Goods, Collective Actions in East and Southeast Asia, London: Routledge, 2002, pp. 147-61.
  • Globalisation and Social Security Expansion in East Asia

    M Ramesh,“Globalisation and Social Security Expansion in East Asia”. In Linda Weiss (ed.), States in the Global Economy: Bringing Domestic Institutions Back In, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 83-100. 
Name and designation

IES Affiliate Researchers

Andreas Raharso,
Executive Fellow and Next Practice Expert, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
Victor Nian,
Founding Co-Chairman of the Centre for Strategic Energy and Resources (CSER)
Angel Hsu,
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Charlotte Halpern,
FNSP Tenured Researcher, Sciences Po
Chris Elliott
Environmental Consultant, Institute for Environment and Sustainability
David Kaimowitz
Chief Program Officer, International Land and Forest Tenure Facility
Frank Bierman
Professor, Utrecht University
Ishani Mukherjee
Associate Professor, Singapore Management University
Janice Ser Huay Lee
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Jeff Sayer
Professor, University of British Columbia
Kate Macdonald
Associate Professor, University of Melbourne
Katharine Rietig
Professor, Newcastle University
Lahiru Wijedasa
Asia Forest Coordinator, BirdLife International
Mely Caballero Anthony
Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Meng-Hsuan Chou
Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Scott Valentine
Professor, Kyushu University
RHEE, Steve
Practitioner of International Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Jalan Pengembak No. 19 Sanur, Bali, Indonesia
FAN Mingxuan
Assistant Professor, 15 Kent Ridge Drive Mochtar Riady Building #7-52
Alvaro Artigas
Associate researcher, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics Sciences Po