Alvaro Artigas

Alvaro Artigas

Alvaro Artigas

Associate researcher

Alvaro Artigas was awarded his PhD in Comparative Politics in 2012 and Political Economy, after an M.A. in Comparative Studies at Sciences-Po. He was a visiting doctoral fellow at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung in Berlin and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo and a visiting fellow at the Universiti Malaya, the BRICS Policy Center of Rio de Janeiro, the PUCP of Lima and El Ateneo of Manila. He is currently a visiting fellow at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals at the U. Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. He has participated into several research programs among which with the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées of Paris on the large infrastructural modernization in the Pacific Rim (Chile, Peru, Malaysia), and together with Tommaso Vitale (CEE) and the the USPC-NUS consortium on Green Growth in South East Asian metropolis with a focus on MetroManila, Singapore and Iskandar. He is presently co-steering the MEGOWAS (Metropolitan Governance of Water Systems) USPC-NUS Ateneo of Manila project together and benefited from the support of the Institute of Water Policy at the LKY University in Singapore. He co-directs the MOVIDIG -Movilidades Digitales project with José Maria Castellano (UPF Barcelona) - Innovation Chair of the Universidad Pompeu Fabra on the transformation of digital mobility, the impact of ride-and-hail transport platforms and micro-mobilities on the governance of cities and the transformation of the local economy. He is an associate researcher at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics and a member of the Sciences Po program of urban research “Cities are Back in Town” and is a member of the strategic committee of the Chaire Villes et Numérique at the Urban School at Sciences Po. His research focuses on the complexity of regional and metropolitan infrastructure development programs and their specific sectoral, environmental and territorial consequences. It addresses the coordination of integrated infrastructure development policies, big data and ICTs coordination mechanisms and public services in terms of international competitiveness, integration into the global economy. and sustainable growth strategies.
Name and designation